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The next day, Chorong got ready, have her breakfast with Haneul and then send him to the day care and went to her work. She greets everyone and starts doing her work. She try to forget everything that happen yesterday. In addition, since its Friday, she knows Suho won't be coming. It happens like this for almost a month now. Suho will be here every Monday until Thursday and he will be in his own office on Friday if she is not mistaken.

Every single week, she will be waiting for Friday to come so that she can work happily. Deep in her heart she admit that she miss him but working in the same place where your husband that you left and hates you is so not comfortable.

When she was busy packing her things for going home, Mr. Lee come out from his office and hand Chorong a file. Chorong look at him and took it.

"Can you give this to Suho at his office before you go home. I need to settle something and my wife since she's in a very mad mood this past few weeks since me and her son been busy."

Chorong smile and nod "Yes sir sure. I will." However, the truth is she didn't want to do it. She just doesn't want to meet Suho anymore.

"And make sure you give it to him. Don't give it to his secretary. If his not in the office then you can just give her tomorrow."

"Okay Mr. Lee."

"Thank you Chorong. Sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay sir. That's my job. You can go home now." Chorong said and smile.

Mr. Lee smile back, nod and said bye.

Chorong take her handbag and the file and walk to the elevator. She walk to the bas stop and wait for the bas there. she look at the file and sigh.

"I'll give the file. Place it on the table. Then bow and say goodbye. Then I'll walk away. That's all. You can do it Chorong." Chorong talk by herself.

When the bas came, she hop on. When she arrive at the place, she take a deep breath and let it go. She meet the attendee.

"Hello miss. I'm here to meet Mr. Kim. I need to give this file to him."

The lady smile and said "Which Mr. Kim would you like to meet? And do you make any appointment."

"Sorry. Mr. Kim Jun Myeon. No I didn't. It's last minute. That's why. Is he here?"

"Yes he is. Wait I'll call him first. May I know you name miss?"

"Is Kim..." She stop and shook her head and said "Is Park Chorong."

She told Chorong to wait. When she was done, she gives Chorong a card and tell her to use the private lift. Chorong nod and thank her and then walk to the lift. She was freaking out for a while. When the lift door opens, she walk out and meet her assistant. The assistant is still the same assistant.

"Chorong. How are you? We miss you." The assistant said. She was happy to see her again.

"I'm fine. I need to meet Mr. Kim. I need to give him this."

"Yes. Sure. He must be happy to see you. Go on."

As if. He hates me now. Chorong taught. She nod and smile. She walk to the door and knock it.

"Come in." Suho said from inside.

Chorong take a deep breath and let it go. When she was really ready, she open the door and walk in. Suho was looking at her.

God! How can she still look so beautiful like that. I miss her. I miss her in my arm. Is just been half day and I already miss her. and the fact that I miss her make me angry. I need to hate her. But she look so hot in that dress. The same dress she was wearing when I confess that I love her. Why is she doing this to me? Suho taught.

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