Chapter 7

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I've been really stressed lately and the only way to stop thinking about it is by writing or drawing so that's what I've been doing, school starts in 2 days which I have swimming for and that means going in the water with no make-up on, sucks but my mum won't phone my teacher because she doesn't understand how disgusted I feel with myself every time I look in the mirror. meh. Sorry for rambling on, this chapters kinda short but hey ho..

Songs for this chapter; 

Bonnie McKee; American Girl

One Direction; Alive

One Direction; Half a heart 

Skrillex; Scary monsters and Nice Sprites

* Niall's point of view *

I dropped Elana off at her dorm then drove back to my flat to see Harry and Zayn sitting on the couch, "Where've you been?" Zayn looked up at me and handed me a beer which I gladly accepted. 

"Pizza, with Elana." Zayn and Harry glanced at each other then back at me. 

"Elana Wothers?" I nodded my head then took another sip of beer. Harry began chuckling,


"It's just weird, she isn't your usual type. You usually like the easy girls but she seems like a fighter."

"I like a challenge" I winked at him and took another drink. She was a fighter, there's no doubt about it. I don't want to hurt her but I have to keep up my reputation or Harry will steal my crown, just like I stole Zayn's. I'm turning into a pussy and I don't like it. What the fuck has she done to me?

I took another swig of the beer, downing the full bottle. God knows why but we started taking vodka shots and within 2 hours we were absolutely hammered, stumbling around the neighbourhood. 

"I need a piss." I laughed, stumbling into someones backyard, once I was finished I coud hardly see straight, one minute I was walking then the next I was lying on my back, shouting and laughing. I heard someone shout my name so I sat up and saw Elana. I was just about to speak when my stomach knotted and I spewed my insides out. 

"Hey! Elana!" I patted my hair down and she sighed. She looked extremely hot in those pj's, but I'd much rather them on the floor. 

"C'mon Niall, you're coming with me." 

 "I like the sound of that." I winked at her as she wrapped her fragile arms around my waist. 

 "Just shut up Niall and hold onto me in case you fall." 

"Woah, miss bossy pants today." I laughed, stumbling a little.

We started walking round a house and I have no clue who's it is. I thought she was at Perrie's? Wait are we at Perrie's?

I climbed up the stairs and flopped down onto a bed, "You really are like a little kid when you're drunk you know?" she seemed tired. 

"Come sleep with me." I nuzzled my head into the pillow and opened my arms but she just shook her head and left the room. 5 minutes later she came up with water and some Advil which she forced me to take. The last thing I remember is her sitting on the bed before I fell asleep. 


I woke up to my stomach churning, I leaped out of bed and doubled over, spewing into the bowl. I looked at the clock and saw It was 6:30. Where the fuck am I? I don't have a clock in my bathroom. I  turned the light off and walked back out the bathroom where I saw someone lying on the ground looking rather cold and uncomfortable, I recognized that blonde hair anywhere, Elana. What's she doing here?

She looked cold and uncomfortable so I gently picked her up and placed her on the bed. 

* Elana's point of view *

I was woken by someone carrying me, I opened my eyes to see Niall carrying me and placing me on the bed. 

He walked away from the bed and was just about to lie down on the floor when the words came tumbling out my mouth, "Stay with me." I whined like a little child. His head whipped up and he smiled before making his way back over to the bed and lying down beside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent before falling asleep. 

Sorry this was kind of a boring chapter but It's where everything kind of starts. 

Please keep reading(: 

do you think Todd will catch them;) 

Hey! 3 updates in 3 days. I have chapter 8 finished and I've just started chapter 9 so I've been writing a lot.. But enjoy guys! 

qotd; What's your biggest fear? 


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