Chapter 59

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(( This is another one shot/imagine chapter so I hope you don't mind.. Next chapter is the last chapter of botfb and then I won't be writing a sequel to it I'm afraid. I'm glad you liked it and I'm sorry It had to end. Hope you enjoy this chapter..))


one direction; act my age

sam smith; i'm not the only one

ed sheeran; grade 8


- Gender scan -

* Niall's point of view *

I took Elana's hand in mine as I drove to the clinic, she had been nervous all morning. Her 20 week scan was to show the gender of the baby, and I had been dying to know since I found out. I didn't really mind whether it was a girl or a boy it was still my baby and I'd be ready to give it the best life I could. I was blessed to have Elana.

"You okay?" I turned my head to look at Elana, she was biting her nails, her other hand griping tightly onto my hand.

"What If I'm a bad mom? What if my child hates me." She gulped, sighing.

"Don't give me that. You'll be the best mom you can and that's all that matters. And this little baby will love you because it's impossible not to." I pressed a kiss to her cheek before pulling into the parking lot of the clinic. "You ready?" She nodded, grabbing my hand as I helped her out of the car. Her bump was noticeable now, a constant reminder that soon I'd be a daddy.

I entwined our fingers, walking up to the reception area, "Horan?" The lady nodded.

"Just take a seat, Elaine will be out to get you in just a moment." Elana shot the lady a smile and sat down on the seats, not even 10 minutes later the lady called out for us.

"Elana Horan?" I gave Elana an excited smile, which she returned as I followed her into the room "Just lay down here, if I'm correct this is a gender scan?" I nodded, "Great. You excited?"

"Extremely." Elana grinned, gripping my hand in hers.

The lady lifted Elana's top, squirting some clear gel on her stomach before trailing the device over her tummy. On the screen it showed my beautiful baby boy or girl. She searched around for a bit, "ahh." She smiled, "Would you like to find out now?" We both nodded eagerly.

"You're having a baby boy. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Horan." She smiled.

- Baby shopping -

* Elana's point of view *

Niall's parents had flew out to Arizona after finding out about the baby, while Denise and Greg looked after Theo and Mia. Maura, insisting that she take me out clothes shopping was raking through the aisles upon aisles of maternity clothing and an extremely large selection of baby clothes. She picked up an adorable little sleep suit, one side of the sleep suit was pastel blue and white stripes and the other was white with a picture of snoopy on it. "Niall used to have this little snoopy teddy, once he turned 12 he gave it to Mia. We have to get you this. Niall loved snoopy!" She gushed, shoving the baby grow into the already full basket of baby clothes, hats, socks, bottles, pacifiers, maternity bras, everything you could imagine.

"We should probably get something to eat, shopping for hours without eating isn't good for you. Where would you like to go?"

"To be honest, I have a huge craving for your Irish stew. We could get the ingredients and I could help you make it? If that's okay?" She grinned, walking over to the till to pay.

"Of course! I'm so glad you like it. I can even give you the recipe. Niall always loved it."

The shopping came up to just about $250. To which Maura tried to discretely hand her card over and pay for, but I refused, paying with Niall's card, just like he said to.

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