Chapter 26

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(( Sorry I haven't updated lately, if you have me on instagram you would have seen why but to those of you who don't, something has came up in my family and we were sorting it out, that is why I haven't updated so here I am now. A lot of you have been saying this reminds you of After, I promise that I have not been copying her ideas, she is an amazing author yes but that is her original work and now that she has created this idea of the character being troubled, dark and in need of help every single time someone creates a character inspired by her work people get death threats because of it, I haven't yet and I sure hope I don't, but I'm sorry If It sounds like After. I don't mean it to in any way as that is plagiarism.  If you do not want me to continue writing then I won't, If you don't like it don't read it, but please don't send out rude or unnecessary comments towards my writing. )) 


Oasis; She's Electric

MKTO; God Only Knows

p! atd; I Write Sins Not Tradgedies

The Weeknd; Devil May Cry

*Elana's point of view *

I sat there on the cream sofa, my fathers hand tightly holding onto my own, my father looked pale, a little thinner than last time I had seen him. 

"I, I have lung cancer, Elana. " In that moment of him sharing this heartbreaking news, my world came tumbling down. My father was my life, my best friend. I hadn't realized I was crying until he wiped a tear from underneath my eye, "I'm undergoing treatment, but nothing looks promising." He was always one to say it how it was, he never sugar coated anything and I liked that about him but for once I wish he would. I couldn't ignore the fact I felt a slight anger towards my father and my mother, I felt guilty for saying so but It was true. 

"How long have you been keeping this from me?" I said, my voice cracking mid sentence, my throat dry and sore. 

"We found out 7 months ago, your mother wanted to keep this from you because we thought it would get better, we didn't want to hurt you, but I can't keep it a secret anymore, this isn't a movie, this is life and I can't hide the inevitable."

"But you can still get better right? There's still hope, please dad tell me there's a chance you'll get better." I sounded like a 9 year old, begging for something I wanted. "You're not going to die, I'll drop out of university, then you will have more money for better treatment." I would rather have a father than a degree, I could always go back to university, but you can never bring him back. 

"Elana, no. I'm not jeopardizing your future just because i might not have one." I pulled him into a hug, I felt like If I hugged him too hard he would break, and as much as I didn't want to feel differently about my father,  I do, he's sick and there is definitely no way to sugar coat it. 

* Niall's point of view *

I woke up with my head on something hard and when I opened my eyes I recognized it as the bar from last night, I had a vague memory of Elana storming out of the room and me being an asshat going back downstairs to drink more. It's what I do, I drink when things get hard. 

I could hear a loud buzzing sound, triggering my already aching migraine. I looked over to see my phone with Elana's name across the front. I immediately sat up and pulled the phone to my ear, hoping to god she didn't call to yell at me. 

"Hello?" My voice was rough, and more than slightly obvious I was hungover. I heard sniffles from the other end but apart from that It was silent, "Elana? please talk? Look I'm sorry okay, I messe-"

"Niall I know I'm supposed to be angry at you right now but you're the only person I want to talk to." She was crying, not the over-emotional cry but it was empty, and I knew just from that, that It wasn't because of last night that she was like this. 

"Baby what's wrong?" I was worried, and I instantly stood up from the bar, hailing a taxi to drive me back to the house. 

"It's my dad, he's sick, and it's not just the flu. He has cancer Niall." She burst into tears, I didn't know what to say, I was never good with comforting people. "Please can you come over." 

"I'll be right there." She mumbled a small thank you before hanging up. 

I was sitting in the taxi, my foot tapping against the floor, something I did when I was impatient. "Is there a way you could get there faster? I don't have all day!" 

The man just grumbled and sped up a little, and within the next 5 minutes I was home, I was in no state to be driving, pretty sure I hadn't fully sobered up yet. I ran into the house, Ashton, Calum, Luke, Michael and Harry were all sitting watching soccer. 

"Callum, mate I need you to drive me to Colorado. Please."

"Mate, calm down. That's 5 fucking hours away. What's so important?" 

"I can't say, please just drive me there as fast as you can." He coud tell I was pretty shaken so he nodded, grabbing his keys and setting off to Colorado.


It was around 7 o clock now, Elana had text me the address and we were only 10 minutes away. After driving through multiple streets we finally found her home, it was a small, modern house, with the typical white Pickett-fence surrounding the small garden. Calum decided he couldn't be bothered driving back right now so decided he would find a hotel to do the night and I thanked him. 

I knocked the door, and It opened to Elana, her mascara slightly smudged and my hoodie I had given her pulled over some grey sweat pants. "Niall." a tear rolled down her cheek and I pulled her into a hug. 

"I'm so sorry Elana." She nodded and I kissed her cheek. A tall, middle aged man came to the door and couched loudly. 

"So, this must be Niall eh?" I didn't know what to do or say and I mentally thanked him when he spoke up again. "Well don't just stand there, come in." He put out his hand for me to shake, "I'm Gerry." I shook his hand and smiled before entering the house. 

"I'm going to the shop, I'll be back in an hour or two okay?" Gerry said, picking up his keys.

"Dad, I don't like the idea of you going alone. What if something ha-"

"Elana, I'm fine. Stop worrying about me, okay?" She nodded before he left the room, Elana sat on my knee and I pulled her in for a hug. 

"He'll be fine, Elana. I promise." I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. "Are you still mad at me?" 

"I overreacted slightly but yes, you really hurt me Niall." I nodded, the night was supposed to be special but I ruined It for her. 

"I know, and Elana I'm really sorry, It was a stupid thing to do, I didn't mean to hurt you." 

"I know you didn't" She leaned in and pressed a light peck to my lips, "I love you."

"I love you too" She leaned in again and kissed me, this time for a little longer. 

"Niall." She pulled back and looked at me then nodded. 

"Are you sure? With everything that's happened today."

"I need to keep my mind off things, and trust me there is nothing I want more than this." I nodded before lifting her up and taking her upstairs, "Second door on the left." She said between kisses. I opened the door and locked it before I lay her on the bed, my body hovering over hers. 


((I finally updated!! It's been so long and I'm so sorry that it's short. I had family problems to deal with and of course, family comes first. Did anyone watch the concert through vines? Or did anyone go to the concert? Mine is is 38 days:)! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment/vote/share. Please keep reading. ilysm))

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