Chapter 43

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(( I was thinking the number of chapters botfb is going to have will probably be around 55/60, I'm not entirely sure. I may go back to the first 10 chapters or so because they aren't very well written at all.. but that won't be until this is finished unless I want to do so before.. But anyway, enjoy this chapter!))




The 1975; Girls

The xx ; Islands

The Script; Six Degrees of Seperation

Love and Theft; Angel Eyes

hot ass gif of Niall on the side


* Niall's point of view *

As I watched her leave, all I could think about was how much of a fuck up I was, sure she was annoying sometimes, and at first I thought she was the most stuck up person I could have had the pleasure to meet, but in spite of that she was beautiful, not just outside but inside too. She could brighten anyone's day with her voice, and just her laugh was enough to make me smile until my cheeks hurt.

She was the only thing I really needed in my life, sure having friends was nice but having her was great. I was whipped, but not in the way where she made me choose between my friends and her, she was there when I left in the morning and there when I got home.

They see relationships as leaving a party at 9:30, but you get to leave that party with your favourite person, throw on some comfortable clothes, make some popcorn, curl up and watch a movie, have sex then go to sleep, and everybody else just wakes up alone and hungover.

And just when the words she said 'What we have here, is over. Goodbye Niall.' Hit me like knives, and suddenly, all the brekaup songs I had ever heard, that used to confuse the fuck out of me made sense, and they were about her. About the way her smile could cure cancer and end wars, how her laugh could stop someone who had been crying for hours, but her words could cut through me like a knife in butter.

As soon as her car was out of sight, I ran into the house, picking up the first fragile thing I could see and I smashed it, which happened to be my tenth grade soccer trophy. I punched the walls, kicked the cupboards, flipped the table, I was so fucking angry at Derek for ruining everything I had ever wanted, the only thing I had ever needed, one minute she was here, screaming my name in pleasure and then the next she was screaming my name in disgust, wishing she had never set eyes on me. I wished I hadn't made the mistakes I did, but it was exactly that. I did, and they had finally caught up with me.

"Niall, fuck sake man. What happened?" Harry yelled, grabbed my wrists, restraining me from doing any more damage.

"Derek happened. That's what fucking happened. He told her everything Harry! About the girls, about Cassie, about my fucking job! Everything, she knows it all!" The look on every single one of their faces was shock. "Fuck, I'm going to see him." I grumbled, yanking my arms from Harry's grasp and flipping him off when he told me not to.

He ended up coming with me, refusing to let me drive in this state.


"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, Derek's a strong man Niall, you don't know what he could do." I nodded, slamming my car door shut and stomping into Derek's office.

"Niall, Harry. How lovely to see you both." He chuckled, smirking like the devil in fucking disguise.

"Cut the shit Derek, why the fuck did you tell Elana." I snapped, causing him to throw his head back and laugh.

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