Chapter 18

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The Cab; Intoxicated

Arctic Monkeys; R U Mine?

5sos; Beside You

Coconut Records; Microphone


I woke up with one arm dangling off the bed, my body just moments from falling. Two people sleeping on a single bed often lead to that. I rolled over to see Niall peacefully sleeping, his hair a little untidy. He looked like an angel, his pink lips parted slightly, letting out little snores every so often. He stirred in his sleep then opened his eyes and smiled, "Morning beautiful." His raspy morning voice was enough to make a girl go crazy. 

"Morning." I squeaked.

In this moment, everything was perfect, it was almost surreal, but something had to come across my mind to ruin the perfect moment. Todd. 

"Shit." I mentally slapped myself for not telling Todd, he'd flip, and not just at me. I know he had told me why he hated Niall but I couldn't help but think there was something more to it than just forcing him to smoke pot.

"What's wrong?" 

"Todd is going to flip, Niall I-"

"Elana, calm down." He ran his hand down my arm, calming me slightly. "I'm going to go back to my house, Perrie text me to tell me she's coming home today and It'll give you time to phone Todd." He leaned in and planted a small, soft kiss on my lips. 

He jumped out of bed and grabbed his clothes, I couldn't tear my eyes from his perfectly toned back, his shoulder blades moving with every step he took. "Stop staring." He chuckled, making me blush slightly.

He pulled his t shirt over his head and pulled on the sweatpants from the night before. I stood up from the bed and fixed my hair with a hair tie, scraping back the loose strands.

"Call me for anything, okay?" I nodded and kissed him, this time for longer, though. "Okay, I have to go, See you later." He kissed my cheek and left, his bedhead still untamed and his bag in hand. 


I decided to put off calling Todd for another few hours, I picked up my book and read for a while. I was torn from my book to see Perrie walking in the room, "Okay Elana, tell me everything." I was confused as to what she meant, my facial expression clearly stated that. "I went away when you and Niall hated each other and now I hear that the university's biggest player has finally settled down? Does that ring any bells?" I blushed, he had mentioned that he never had a girlfriend before. The big question was though, how long will it last?

"I don't know Perrie, he's sweet. Nobody has ever made me feel the way he does." 

"Niall? Sweet? That's rich, He's the most bitter person I've ever met." Perrie's words had a temperate sting but faded soon after, "But don't get me wrong, you bring out the best in him. He's even went 2 weeks without drinking." I smiled, I was glad. 

"I just need someone who needs me as much as I need them." She smiled, I was torn from our conversation as my phone started ringing, "Sorry, i have to take this. It's my parents." She nodded and I went into the bathroom and answered the phone, 

"Sweetie! I miss you so much"

"Hi mom, I miss you too." 

"I was just phoning to see if you were settling in okay, we haven't heard from you in a while, I was worried." 

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