Chapter 37

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(( Okay so I just decided I would keep writing, I like it and I shouldn't stop just because I feel as though nobody reads it, you all showed your support and told me you liked it and I'd hate to take something away from you that you like so I will continue. I still have a lot more to write in this book, and the best drama hasn't even started yet! I hope you enjoy this chapter.. ily ))


London Grammer; Strong

Daughtry; What About Now

Simple Plan ; Summer Paradise ft. MKTO

The Weeknd; Devils May Cry



* Niall's point of view *

As I walked through the streets of my old neighbourhood, I felt a wave of nostalgia, the old school I went to, the park I used to play at, the shop I used to steal 10 euro cent chocolate bars from just because I thought I was cool, the old football pitch where my dad first taught me how to play, my dad that I no longer had acquaintance with. The bastard that fucked up my childhood. And as I stopped infront of a house, the house that had the most amazing memories but also the house with the worst, the house I grew up in. The windows had been fixed, now covered with coral coloured drapes. The mahogany coloured door was now painted white, a little gold letterbox on the front. 

The house seemed to have been vacant now, bought by a new family, oblivious to the fact a women almost died in that house. I clenched my fists, kicking a stone that was on the slabbed pavement with anger. I could have been better than this, I could've been more like Greg. He now had a future, one that didn't include drugs but the sweetest child instead. 

It was starting to get light. It had to be around 4am now, I was having trouble sleeping so decided to go for a walk and found my feet taking me to the place I hadn't been in years. I sat down on a bench beside the park, pulling a joint out of my cigarette packet and placing it between my teeth. I know I promised, but I needed this, I needed to forget my worries and problems for just a little while. 

I held the lighter to the end of the joint, flicking the spark wheel, causing an orange coloured flame to arise and light the end of it. I breathed in, taking it between my fingers and blowing out the smoke, smiling when I felt the weight being lifted off my shoulders, just like that. I relaxed a little, bringing my arm up to the back of the bench and resting it there, the joint still between my lips. After 5 or 10 minutes of just resting, I stood up from the bench, taking yet another walk down memory lane. 

I inhaled another cloud of smoke, walking past the Barbour where I got my first hair cut, the liquor store I used to stand outside, getting someone to buy me alcohol, simply because I didn't like knowing that some people were on cloud 9 while I was still down in the real world. 

A man with a scruffy looking beard and a beanie covering his head walked past me, he stunk of piss and god knows what else. He walked up to me, smiling. His teeth were near enough brown and I had to stop myself from gagging, "Y-You got any c-crack." He stuttered, a clear sign that he had already taken some sort of drugs and if he happened to find anymore he would quite possibly overdose. 

"No I don't have any fucking crack, fuck off mate," I seethed, he eyed the joint that was still between my fingers and smiled again. 

"Can I have that." He pointed with a crooked finger towards it. I laughed, taking it from my mouth and dropping it, squishing it with my shoe. 

"Get the fuck away from me." I spoke, causing him to glare at me but carry on trying to find someone who could possibly sell him a way out. 

I saw a 24 hour store, walking in and heading straight for the liquor. I picked up a 6 pack of guinness, sitting it on the counter and handing the rather skinny and tired looking boy my money before heading back into the cold air. I opened the first can, taking a sip of my favourite beer from my teenage years. I could remember when my old friend and I would sit at the skate park, sharing a 6 pack of beer and laughing at the people who would walk by. A low point in my life, but I couldn't help but relive it. 

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