Chapter 32

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(( Thank you all so much for the kind birthday messages, I had an amazing day! This chapter won't be as long as the last two but I hope you enjoy!))

{ follow my instagram; twerkwithziall }


Bo$$; Fifth Harmony

Banana Pancakes; Jack Johnson

George Ezra; Budapest


Niall's hand was once again placed on my thigh, and thankfully this time he kept it there. "Irish Stew?" The waitress, a pretty brunette called and Niall pointed towards me, "Enjoy!" She smiled, placing the bowl down in front of me. 

"Thank you." I smiled, she then placed everyone's dishes in front of the family and we dug in, the meat was beautifully tender, juicy and I just couldn't get enough of it. 

"You like it?" I nodded, chewing and swallowing the tender meat. 

"Love." He laughed, taking a mouthful of his own.

"I'll have to make you it sometime." He winked, I took a sip of the wine, It was starting to take its effect on me after having 3 glasses, I felt warm, I wasn't drunk I was just in a good mood. After we had ate, Niall ordered an ice cream sundae for us both to share. 

"So, Elana what do you study in University?" Maura asked, placing her elbows on the table after she was finished her dessert. 

"I play volleyball, my scholarship was for sport but I take classes in accounting, I guess it's just a back up plan if I ever get injured or bored of volleyball." Denise smiled, smacking Greg's arm playfully.

"You didn't tell me she played! I used to play volleyball!" She lifted the wine glass to her lips and took another drink of the dark red liquid. "What place do you play?" 

"I used to be in the attack zone, but something happened and I was moved onto the bench, hopefully I'll be back again after the summer." 


We had been sitting there for a couple hours now, just getting to know one another, Niall finally made amends with his family and promised to visit them frequently, and vice versa.

"Well we better get going, I don't want Elana being sick again, Thank you.. mum, and d-dad." I saw a wide smile spread across both of their faces, Niall had never called them that, "Greg, Denise." He shook their hands and I gave them all a hug. He lifted Theo into his chest, kissing his forehead then handing him back to Denise. "Mia!" He pulled her in for another hug, kissing her cheek. 

"I'm having a party on Saturday please come Nini!" she snuggled her head into the crook of his head and I admired how good he was with kids. 

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I heard her giggling and then whisper something into Niall's ear, "Why don't you ask her?" He whispered, although he wasn't as quiet as Mia. 

She jumped down from his embrace and ran over to me, stopping just before me and smiling, "Would you like to come to my birthday party, I'm going to be 11!" I giggled, nodding.

"I'd love to." She pulled me in for a hug and I kissed her cheek. 


I fell asleep in the car drive home, the only sound the quiet conversation on the radio that had been turned down and sounded like whispers and Niall's breathing. I heard a door slam shut and then another open, "Elana, babe we're back." I groaned, trying to stand up but instead Niall's arms cupped my thighs and back, lifting me from the car and carrying me into the hotel. I felt a little drunk, no surprise there, I had about 5 glasses of wine. 

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