Chapter 55

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((I have to apologize, I'm literally soooo sorry for not updating. I've just been sooooooo busy lately, and I had 2 maths pre-exam things to help us for our exams later on and I was getting really stressed because even though they weren't the real exam but they were to make sure which level you'd be working towards and stuff.. sorry I was just busy, but I also want to say I do this for fun, it's not my job and I'm not obligated to write, so being rude about me not updating and telling me to 'hurry up and update' isn't going to make me update faster it'll just make me annoyed:(. But anyway, enjoy this chapter. ily all))


Arctic Monkeys; Temptation Greets You Like Your Naughty Friends

Pixie Lott; Break Up Song

B.o.B; HeadBand ft. 2 Chainz


* Elana's point of view *

2 months later

I had invited Perrie out to lunch, originally to tell her about the baby, but instead she had managed to interrupt me every single time I had tried to do so. My stomach was growing bigger by the day, which also meant the number of clothes that I could wear and would still be classed as 'socially acceptable' was also getting smaller by the day. It also meant I didn't have long left until people would start realizing. I had been wearing large t shirts to hide it until I had told everyone, but as Niall had say, that wouldn't last long. 

"God she's getting so big." I cooed, picking up Hannah and smiling as she shouted 'YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE'. I laughed, throwing my head back as she tried to sing.

"Ugh, Zayn taught her how to sing you are my sunshine and she hasn't stopped shouting it in peoples faces." Perrie rolled her eyes, "Sorry." 

"Listen i have to tell you something." I bit my lip, sitting Hannah on my lap as she played with my phone. This was the perfect moment, Hannah was occupied, Perrie was listening...

"Is everything alright?" She frowned, a worried expression spreading across her face.

"Yeah, every things alright, more than that. Great, actually. Perrie I'm pregnant." I watched as the worried expression turned to one of happiness, she squealed, Hannah's head shooting up to giggle at her mom.

"Oh my god Elana! I'm so happy for you!" She pulled me in for a hug, Hannah pressed in the middle. 

"I couldn't keep it in any longer, I had to tell you." She grinned, placing Hannah back into her pushchair. 

"Niall must be so happy. He's always loved children." We stood up from the table and made our way out to Perrie's car. "Oh my god, I'm so excited for you!" She squealed, pulling me in for yet another hug. I was glad I was having Niall's baby and not anybody elses. Niall and I had always been good together, and no matter how many things or people that tried to push a wedge between us I knew we'd always find our way back together. I just hoped Niall felt the same way and It wasn't just because of the baby.


"Baby, I'm home!" I was laying on the bed, my hands on my stomach as I watched reruns of Friends.

"In here!" I shouted, he peeked his head around the corner and chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the sides as his lips pulled into a boyish grin.

"I have something to show you."  The tip of his nose and his cheeks had been tinted a rosy pink due to the cold winds we had been having lately, a beanie pulled over his messy hair, clad in an army green parka and black jeans. My boyfriend was perfect. "C'mon get up babe." He grinned, walking over to the bed as I got up, pulling a sweater over my cami top and leggings. I quickly pulled my Chelsea boots onto my feet, running as he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the small apartment like an excitable 4 year old. 

"Slow down Niall!" I laughed, jumping into the car as he put a blindfold around my eyes. "Is this really necessary?" I groaned, trying to pull the cover from my eyes but he slapped my hand lightly, causing a pout to pull onto my lips, which soon disappeared as he placed a soft kiss there, smiling when he pulled away.

"Yes, for a matter of fact. It is." I felt the car start to move, and within 10 minutes we had stopped again. The fact that I couldn't see was making my adrenaline go to all sorts of highs, I was excited, nervous, and quite frankly completely confused why on earth I was wearing a blindfold. 

He opened my door, unbuckling my seat belt as he grabbed my hand and guided me slowly out of the door, I could feel his hot breath on the shell of my ear, his hands rest on my hips from behind. One hand lifted up to pull the blindfold from my eyes, and as I once again regained full use of my eyesight, I was left breathless by the sight before me. A large stone house, with huge glass windows and two outdoor staircases stood before me in all it's glory, dim amber lights lit the walkway and enhanced the overall appearance of the otherwise amazing house. A large aqua coloured pool could be seen from the side of the house. Niall lifted his hand, rattling some keys in his hand and smiling. "Welcome home, babe." I was speechless, I could feel happy tears welling in my eyes as I stared at this beautifully handsome guy in front of me. I thought that in this moment, I couldn't have been happier with my life. I had a baby girl or boy on the way, now an amazing house and to top it off the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, we may not have lived in a castle (though It was pretty darn close), or met at a ball one night, I may not have two ugly step sisters who forced me to be their maid, but one thing I knew for certain was that I had found my prince charming. And he may not do everything right, he may have fucked up, I fucked up too. We all do, we're only human, our relationship was a story that we could one day tell our grandchildren as we sat in front of the fire with our coffee, and I was glad that Niall was that one I could share it with. 

"N-Niall." i was shocked, and speechless, and... shocked. Which lead to me running to Niall, wrapping my legs around his waist and planting a long, lingering kiss to his lips to show my appreciation. "I love you. I love you. I love you, so much." I said between kisses as he chuckled, his hands underneath my bum. 

"I saw it 2 months ago and I just had to buy it, I knew you'd love it." I grinned, placing yet another kiss to his lips, and wondered. What an earth did I do to deserve this boy.

((I'm sorry It's sucky and short and boring and nothing happens but I had to update, I can't leave you guys waiting it's not exactly fair. I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless, ily all!!))


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