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After introducing themselves to one another . . . . Xiah felt that he wanted to talk with her more.

            “Would you like to join me and my friends?” Xiah asked Iqa sweetly.

            Iqa looked at the other DBSK boys. “Are you sure you want me to join you guys? Wouldn't your friends mind if I joined you?”

            “No . . . . it's okay. I know they won't mind at all,” Xiah replied.

            “Really? Are you sure? It would really be nice if I could join you. Since I would really like some company while traveling . . . .” Iqa said as if hesitating.

            Xiah looked back at the other DBSK members who were also looking at them. They all had wide grins plastered on their faces.

            “Your friends seem very nice . . . . .” Iqa commented as she stared at them.

            “Come on . . . . I want you to meet them . . . . “ Xiah said.

            Iqa nodded . . . got her things and just followed Xiah to where the other DBSK boys were.

            “Guys . . . . I would you like to meet Moniqa Ramirez . . . .” Xiah said to the other DBSK members.

            “Hi . . . . . I am Micky.”

            “I'm Max . . . .”

            “I'm U-Know . . . .”

            “Hello . . . . I'm Jaejoong. It's nice to meet you.”

            Iqa gave everyone of the DBSK boys a very warm and friendly smile.

            “Xiah said I could join you guys . . . . I hope you won't mind.”

            “Sure . . . . you're welcome to join us,” Micky said with a smile.

            “You can sit beside Xiah . . . .” Jaejoong said with a meaningful smile.

            “Thank you . . . .” Iqa uttered as she sat down her things and sat down beside Xiah's seat.

            The other DBSK boys were all amazed that Xiah had actually made friends with a girl so fast. He had always been shy and uneasy whenever there were girls around . . . . especially ones he didn't know very well. But he was very different with Iqa . . . . very different . . . . that they knew it had some other meaning.

            “So . . . . what do you guys do?” Iqa started their conversation.

            The DBSK boys looked at each other. They were all shocked that someone didn't actually know who they were.

            “You mean you really don't know who we are?” Micky asked Iqa with astonishment.

            Iqa stared at the boys. Then  she smiled. “Why? Should I know you guys? Have we met before?” she asked as if she was confused.

            “Well . . . . no . . . . it's just  . . . . we haven’t really met someone who doesn't know who we are . . . . .” Jaejoong answered.

            “I'm sorry . . . . But I am already very confused. Who are you guys . . . .really?” Iqa asked again.

            Max laughed. “ This is the first time that a girl is asking us who we are . . . “

A STAR FOR A STAR (XIAH FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now