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Se7en, together with the DBSK boys and their managers were all waiting patiently outside the emergency room of the hospital they had brought Moniqa in. They were all very worried and nervous. They were all praying that she would be fine.

            "What do you think happened to her?" Max unexpectedly asked the other DBSK boys.

            Jaejoong and Micky both just shook their heads. They were also wondering what really happened to her.

            "Did you see the broken bottles? God! I don't even want to remember . . . . ." Max said as if very horrified.

            "Maybe she got drunk . . . . and she accidentally slipped  . . . . while holding the bottle . . . . and . . . . .and . . . ." Micky tried to find a perfect explanation for what occurred.

            "The press will surely have a field day covering this news . . . . ." Moniqa's acting manager said with a sigh.

            "Has the companies been informed about Moniqa's condition?" the DBSK boys' manager asked.

            "Yes . . . . I have already informed everyone. . . . I just hope she will be all right. Her real manager will be here in a few hours," Moniqa's manager said again.

            "Some reporters are already waiting downstairs. . . . so I suggest you all be careful in going out of the hospital," Se7en's manager suddenly said to Se7en, the DBSK boys and the two other managers.

            He had just finished talking on his cell phone. And their driver had already informed him that news vans and reporters were already stationed outside the hospital.

            "How did they find out?" Max asked suddenly.

            "Nothing is impossible with the press people . . . . Whenever and wherever there is a big news . . . . they will surely find it," the DBSK boys' manager answered.

            "What do we do now?" Micky asked the other managers.

            "We don't have to worry about the press . . . .What is more important now is Moniqa . . . . " Se7en suddenly uttered.

            The DBSK boys all looked at Se7en. He was still wearing his bloody clothes. He was obviously very tired as well.

            "He's right . . . . For now . . . .let's just wait. . . . ." Se7en's manager told the others.

            Another hour passed . . . . .

            A doctor finally came out of the emergency room. Se7en immediately approached the doctor and with a trembling voiced asked about Moniqa.

            "How is she? . . . . . How is Moniqa?"

            The doctor looked at Se7en. He didn't know how to start what he wanted to say.

            "First of all . . . . we have already removed the big piece of glass on her chest and treated her other minor injuries. . . . But . . . . our main concern now is . . . . the condition of her heart . . . . Her heart is already very weak . . . . We have already communicated with her attending physician and the hospitals she is connected with. They have already provided us with her medical records. . . . And frankly, we are all amazed that she has survived this long without a heart transplant . . . . . But sad to say . . . . her condition has worsened. She needs a heart transplant as soon as possible . . . . But as of now . . . we are still unable to get a suitable heart donor for her . . . ." the doctor explained.

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