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As soon as Xiah laid his eyes on Moniqa, His heart started beating wildly. She was very stunning in the dress she was wearing.

            He couldn't believe that he was actually going out with her. Then suddenly fear started to fill his heart. As he stared at her, it was only then that he started to realize that Moniqa was someone he could only have in his dreams.

            She was a star with such beauty and radiance that he could never obtain.

            Xiah continued to stare at Moniqa as things started to fill his mind. “I know I can never truly have you, Iqa . . . . That's why I am willing to be contented with this make-believe world. . . . At least . . . . in this world . . . . even for a short time . . . . I can make myself believe that you are mine . . . .”

            Xiah's heart was somehow feeling pain. But he just ignored it . . . . and tried to put on a happy smile.

            This was his special day with her . . . . And he was determined to just forget everything . . . . and just pretend . . . pretend that they were truly in love with each other.

            “Xiah . . . .” Iqa uttered.

            Xiah smiled. “Have you been waiting long?”

            “No . . . . Xiah . . .  First of all, I just want to say sorry . . . .” Iqa started to say with a sad look on his face.

            “Sorry? Why? What do you mean?” Xiah asked.

            “Sorry . . . . for dragging you into this mess. . . . Sorry . . . for complicating your life. We have only met each other for a couple of days . . .  and now . . . look at us . . . We're suddenly forced to look and act like a couple. I'm sorry . . .  for all the inconvenience this situation might cause you,” Iqa apologized.

            Xiah smiled sweetly at Iqa. “Why is it you're always apologizing for everything . . . . You don't have to say sorry to me . . .  Come to think of it . . . I'm the one who started this problem. . . . So if there's someone who should be apologizing . . . . it should be me. So please stop blaming yourself.”

            Iqa looked straight into Xiah's eyes. She could see the sincerity in his eyes.

            “Thank you . . . .” she uttered.

            “Come on . . . . I think we have to go . . . . or else our managers will be calling any minute,” Xiah said with a laugh.

            Iqa smiled back at Xiah. “Where are we going so early in the morning?”

            “We're going to have breakfast first,” Xiah replied.

            Iqa just nodded. “Breakfast . . . that sounds good.”

            As they were about to go out Moniqa's apartment, Xiah boldly took Moniqa's hand and held it.

            As soon as their hands touched each other, a sudden warm feeling started to fill their hearts. Somehow they both felt like holding hands with each other was the most natural thing in the world.

            As Xiah held Moniqa's hand . . . . the only thing he could think about was how her hand fitted so perfectly in his hand. How he wished he could hold her hand forever.

            After breakfast . . . .

            They were already in the car discussing where to go next.

A STAR FOR A STAR (XIAH FANFIC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя