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Moniqa opened her eyes . . . . The light was too bright . . .She didn't know where she was . . . . She knew she was standing but she also felt like she was floating. . . . . She was very confused. . . . .She closed her eyes again. . . .  Then she heard a familiar voice . . . .It was as if someone was calling her . . . . She opened her eyes again . . . . This time she saw a familiar face . . . . It was Xiah . . . . He was standing in front of her with a bright smile on his lips. He was being surrounded by a a very bright light . . . . Somehow it was the light that was blinding her eyes.

            "Xiah . . . ." she uttered.

            Xiah was holding his hand out to her. She quickly took hold of his hand. And then he started to lead her into a path where a bright light was also emanating. . . . They were almost at the middle of the path when he suddenly stopped . . . .

            "Xiah . . . . where are we?" Moniqa suddenly asked. She was already very confused. She couldn't understand it. But she could feel that there was something very different with him.

            Xiah slowly looked at Iqa with a sweet smile on his lips . . . . but there was also sadness in his eyes.

            "Iqa . . . . . I'm so happy to see you again . . . . even for the last time," he said.

            "Xiah . . . . I'm very confused already . . . . Can you please answer me . . . . Where  are we?" she asked while looking at Xiah's sad face.

            "We're between heaven and earth . . . . I brought you here . . . .because I just wanted to be able to spend some time with you . . . . before you go back . . . ." he said as he tried to hold back his tears.

            "Go back?  . . . . . Between heaven and earth? . . . . Xiah . . . . Please you're scaring me . . . . Stop it . . . . please," Iqa said with a quivering voice.

            Moniqa saw the sadness in Xiah's eyes. "What have you done . . . . Xiah?" she suddenly asked nervously.

            Xiah smiled bitterly. "I did it for you . . . . . I love you Iqa . . . . And I am willing to do anything for you . . . . "

            "What do you mean?" she asked again. She was already very confused.

            "I love you Iqa. . . .  So I gave up my own life . . . . just to save you . . . ." he answered.

            Moniqa was shocked with what Xiah had said.

            "What? What are you saying? Give up your own life . . . . just to save me? What do you mean? Xiah . . . . What are you trying to say?" Moniqa asked with a raised voice. She was already very emotional. She didn't like the way Xiah was talking. And she didn't like what he was trying to say.

            "I'm sorry . . . . Iqa . . . ." Xiah uttered as tears slowly flowed from his eyes. . . . one by one . . . .

            Moniqa's heart somehow stopped the moment she finally realized what he was trying to say.

            "No . . . . no . . . . . no . . . . ." Iqa shouted. She suddenly felt very weak. "What have you done . . . . Xiah? Why?" she asked again as she finally broke down into tears. She was very weak that she suddenly fell down on her knees. "Why? Why?" she asked again and again as she continuously cried.

            Xiah gently embraced Moniqa. He didn't want to see her in so much pain. "Iqa . . . . please stop crying . . . ." he begged as tears also flowed from his eyes.

A STAR FOR A STAR (XIAH FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now