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             Inside the car . . . . . Xiah and Moniqa were both very silent.

            He was still holding her hand.  . . . And he certainly didn't want to let go. . . .  He slowly looked at Moniqa. . .  . He was afraid that if he released her hand even for a second, he will never have the chance to hold it again.

            Moniqa didn't know what to do. She was already very tensed. She couldn't explain the sensation she was feeling as Xiah still held her hand. It was as if . . . . she wanted to freeze the time and just hold hands with him forever.

            Xiah held Monica's hand tighter . . . .

            "Iqa . . . . " Xiah started to say.

            Moniqa looked at Xiah . . . . "Yes?"

            "I . . . . I . . . . . I need to talk with you . . . . about something," Xiah slowly said.

            Iqa looked at his face, she was very uneasy . . . . Somehow she had a feeling she already knew what he was going to say. She was afraid that he was actually going to tell her about his true feelings for her.

            "Please Xiah . . . . don't tell me you like me . . . . I don't know how I will respond to what you are going to say . . . .  I am very confused on what to do . . . . " she said in her mind.

            Moniqa noticed the direction that the car was taking was different from the route to the restaurant they were supposed to eat.

            "Xiah . . . . where are we going?"

            Xiah smiled sweetly. Somehow Moniqa's heart suddenly melted as she looked at his very charming and innocent face.

            "It's a secret . . . . Just trust me . . . . ." he said as he held her hand tightly.

            As Moniqa patiently waited for them to arrive at their destination . . .  she couldn't  stop her heart from throbbing wildly. She was very anxious . . .

            "Xiah . . . . . . Please . . . . Please . . . . Don't tell me you like me . . . . More importantly . . . . Don't tell me you love me . . . . . . Please . . . . " Moniqa continuously said in her mind.

            "We're here . . . ." Xiah said as the car finally stopped in front of a large hotel.

            Moniqa looked out the car. "Why are we here?" she asked curiously.

            "I told you . . . . I need to talk with you . . . ." he replied with a serious expression on his face.

            Moniqa's heart started pounding again. She was totally speechless.

            "Come on . . . ." Xiah said with a sweet smile.

            Moniqa couldn't say no to him. His smile was too inviting. . . . that she was somehow hooked by it. Her heart was telling her to just follow him . . . . and just forget everything that she was worrying about.

            Moniqa smiled . . . .  she suddenly remembered what Se7en had told her in the studio . . . . . "Please . . . . just forget about everything . . . . and be true to yourself . . ."

            "Don't worry . . . Dong-Wook . . . . I will try . . . " Moniqa said as she slowly followed Xiah out of the car and into the hotel.

            The moment Xiah and Moniqa walked into the hotel, everyone all looked at their direction. Xiah led Moniqa straight into the elevator.

A STAR FOR A STAR (XIAH FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now