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The next day . . . . .

            The DBSK boys were unexpectedly visited by their manager in their home. It was still very early for their scheduled activities, so they were all confused as to why he was in their apartment.

            “Are we already late for an appointment?” Jaejoong asked their manager.

            “No . . . . I am just here to tell you guys a very good news.,” their manager said with a sweet smile on his lips.

            “What is it hyung?” Max asked their manager.

            Their manager suddenly took out a piece of paper and started to wave it around. “Do you guys know what this is?” he asked with a grin.

            “What is it?” Jaejoong asked curiously.

            “Well . . . . this is an invitation for the Matsuda show tonight. He just sent our company an invitation for you guys. Do you know how hard it is to get invited to his shows? And to be sent an invitation is already an honor. Even the president of our company doesn't get invited to his shows . . . . So when the president learned that Matsuda had sent an invitation for you guys . . . . He told me to make sure that you guys were to attend the event. It is a very prestigious event . . . . and only the elite get invited. So all of your scheduled activities for today have all been canceled so that you can all concentrate on getting yourselves ready for the show tonight,” their manager said with a big smile.

            “So we are basically free tonight?” Xiah asked in disbelief.

            “Yes . . . . and the president has even provided new suits for you to wear for the event tonight. We wouldn't want you boys to look out of place would we?” the older man said.

            The DBSK boys all looked at each other. They had a feeling about why they suddenly got invited to Matsuda's show. They all knew it was because of Iqa.

            “So get yourselves ready now. We have a lot of things to prepare for your attendance in the show tonight,” the older man said again.

            The boys could easily tell that their manager was very happy by what had happened. They were all excited to go to Matsuda's show as well. But as for Xiah . . . . he had a strange feeling that he couldn't quite explain. He knew he would be seeing Iqa again tonight. But there was fear in his heart . . . He was fearing that he might not like what he was going to see. He was fearing the fact that he was going to see Iqa as the real person that she really was. . . . . Another shining star. . . . a star that he couldn't reach.

            “Hey! What are you thinking . . . .hyung?” Max asked.

            Xiah looked at Max as if startled. He was thinking about how he was going to react once he net Iqa again.

            “Nothing . . . .” Xiah replied with a fake smile.

            “Nothing? Do you actually think we are blind?” Micky asked.

            “You haven't been yourself ever since you met Iqa . . . . And ever since yesterday. . . . you have been acting really strange as well. So please stop lying and just accept the fact that you really like her . . . . . . We all know that you keep on denying it. But it doesn't work on us,” Jaejoong said with concern.

            Xiah stared at his friends again. He really couldn't keep any secrets from them They already knew each other so well . . . .  that they could easily tell what was in each other's minds.

A STAR FOR A STAR (XIAH FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now