Chapter 5; The Nightmare

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Niall returned downstairs to his room before Liam came back. The time ticked by slowly and soon is was 1:00 AM. My mind wandered to places where I couldn't stop it from. Soon, I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up in a room, two beds on either side of me and a dark, cherry wood dresser in the corner with a empty picture frame on it. I looked on either side and saw the beds neatly made. I shrugged and got up and started to shower.

My arms itched and felt irritated. I scratched them and held my hands up to my eyes. I noticed blood on the tip of my finger. My heart beats fast as I looked in the mirror and saw my surroundings. The peeling wallpaper from the steam in the bathroom and the cup that held toothbrushes with small names on them.

There was a knock on the door, although I feared to open it. When I did, Ally stood on the other side. My heart dropped as she told me, "Mrs. Jones said hurry before you don't eat." She then ran back down the stairs.

"Wait, no!" I screamed, stopping her from running down the stairs. My heart dropped as I looked behind her and saw Aiden giving me a look. What am I doing here? "Where's Liam?" I asked, running down the stairs. Ally and Aiden followed me. "Who's Liam?" She asked. "Liam Payne! My guardian. Where is he?" I screamed, frantically looking around. Stacey ran in and looked at me. "Jasmine, have you gone nuts?" She put her hands on my shoulders to calm me. "Liam Payne is in some famous boy band, Jazz. He'd never save you!" Aiden teased as they all laughed.

I fell on the couch and started to cry. I folded in a ball before telling myself to wake up. Pinching my arm and wishing this was a dream.

A jolt of energy rushed through my body was I sat straight up in my bed. I turned on my bed side lamp and looked around. I was sat in my room. My dresser across from me, with a television on top and a desk on the other side.

I looked to my right and saw a shelf. A picture of me and the boys and many books sat on each shelf.

Although the dream was over, my heart refused to slow down and still was going one million miles an hour. I looked at the clock and saw the time was 3:00 AM.

I found my way to the door and walked to the kitchen. I poured water and hopped on the counter top. That dream was terrible. I never wanted to think of my self back at that house, or hurting myself. I calmed down and went to lay on the couch. I remained awake for hours. This night was sleepless and terrible.

My mind wandered and I began to overthink. Before I knew it, it's 6:00 AM and Liam began coming down the stairs. "Hey, Jasmine." He said, walking over to the couch.

"I just had a bad dream, now I can't sleep." Liam nodded and laid with me. "Well, we have tons of interviews. I was going to ask for you to join. Although, maybe you should get some rest." I nodded.

We sat in the living room until all the boys slowly came down. One by one I waved goodbye. As they left, I started my way upstairs. I hear the door open and Niall run in. "I forgot something." He took his wallet out his pocket and held it tight. He ran to where I stood and kissed me. "See you in a bit!" I laughed and continued up the stairs. The rest of the day, I couldn't sleep. I texted Niall talking about what happened, him trying to make me feels better.

"It was terrible, Niall. I wanted to die."

"I'm sorry, babe. Once the interview is over I'll skip the after meetings and come home to you? I know you need company right now!"

Niall made my heart swell with joy as I laid back. Eventually, I fell asleep.

I was awoken by the floor cracking from across my bed. I slowly turn to see Niall taking off his shoes. He opened the covers, me scooting over to allow him to lay with me. "Hey, babe." He smiled, pulling me closer to him. "What did the boys say about you leaving?" I asked, pulling him into me. "They were suspicious at first. But Liam understood that you didn't want to be alone so he called me a car." I nodded and laid with Niall.

Meaningless conversations and laughter quickly filled the silent room. Niall and I discussed silly ideas of the future and little jokes. He talked about his interview and how excited he is for the album.

Soon, Niall had to sit up and go sit in the chair across from me as the boys had returned home. It's made me upset we hid our relationship. Although, things were going so well. Why bother changing something that's already amazing? 

Niall and I spent the rest of the day, locked away in my bedroom. I could spend everyday like this. Having giggle fits, talk about the future, loving silence, and spending time with my love.

Everything was perfect. Niall was here, with me. That's all that mattered right now and nothing was ever going to change it.

Niall left to shower and let me get rest. Due to my lack of sleep throughout the day and yesterday night, I fell asleep quickly.

I smoothed out my white dress, smiling at my loved ones surrounding me. Lilac flowers and small white roses surrounded the room I was in. Ally and Stacey stood beside me wearing lilac dresses and white heels. I looked in the mirror as Ally twisted the curls in my hair. "You look stunning."

I looked myself up and down. My beautiful white dress coordinated with every detail. "It's time!" Stacey nearly screamed.

I walked out the door to see Liam dressed in a tuxedo. He looked breath taking. "Are you ready, Jasmine?" He asked, linking his arm with mine.

Although confusion was clear in my mind, I nodded my head as that's what my heart told me to do.

One by one, couples walked before me. Finally, the doors opened and it was my turn. I started to walk down the aisle. I looked down at my feet. I walked on lilac and white petals, small bushes lined on the end of the seats. When I looked up, I saw Niall standing down the aisle. A grey tuxedo was his attire, a light tie around his neck and a smile plastered on his face.

His eyes were drawn to me as Liam gave me away. My heart was beating as I stared at Niall. This is it, I knew it.

I slowly rolled over and opened my eyes. The sun shined though my window as I woke up. As if I was in a Sunny D commercial, I sat up and stretched my arms with a smile on my face. I smoothed out my hair and looked at the time.

It was just after sunrise as I walked out my room and knocked on Niall's door. Without any acknowledgment to walk in, I did anyway. I saw Niall sprawled on his bed. I laid next to him and kissed his cheek.

It's crazy how your mind can do a complete turn on your emotions. It's just proof that every bad things ends and a new, better life is waiting.

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