Chapter 32; Wedding Stress!

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I sighed as smoothed the wrinkles out the light purple maternity dress. Although this dress was supposed to be my size and fit me perfectly, it was still a bit snug in all places. I took the dress off and laid back on my bed.

Niall came in the room and saw me naked. He wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion. "Are you okay?" He asked as he laid next to me. "No," I sighed. "Nothing fits." I complained as I got more comfortable in bed.

Niall removed himself and looked in my closet. He pulled out a pair of light denim jeans and a pink shirt. "Wear this!" He smiled while laying it out nicely. "That shirt makes me look fat." I said, Niall rolling his eyes. It was a maternity shirt that tied in the back and flowed a bit, which made me look bigger than I am.

Niall then chose a fitted shirt, same color as the one before. I removed myself from the bed and went to kiss him. "Thank you!" I said while heading over to dress myself.

I went downstairs and pulled out my chips. I went on the laptop and connected it to the speaker. Today, I was meeting with a wedding planner about the wedding. We are just getting together the date, colors, flowers, and what type of food. The smaller details rather than anything else. Niall has written down noted for me to take to tell the planner. He has to go to three interviews today.

Niall came in the kitchen and kissed me, "I love you." He smiled before getting a small snack and starting to leave. I followed him to the door. "You're leaving already?" He turned while slipping his shoes on. "Yes," he laughed a little before coming and hugged me. "What about the notes of things you want for the wedding?" I asked while hugging him back. "Calm down," He chuckled. "They're in your purse."

I nodded and kissed him once more before he left. I went back in the kitchen and answered some emails before finally locking up the house and making my way to the car. Me and this planner are meeting at her business. It's a small business place on the strip in town center. She had amazing reviews and Danielle is going to her as well.

On the way to the place my stomach started to hurt a little bit. I'm now eight months pregnant and my doctor informed I'll start feeling small pains. That's just the babies moving around and it hurts a little because they are bigger.

When I arrived I walked in to be greeted with a receptionist. "Hello, ma'am. How are you?" I walked to the desk and smiled. "I'm good, thank for asking. I'm here for an appointment under Horan-Payne." She nodded and typed a few things before telling me to take a seat. I did as told and reached for my phone.

Before I could get it out a women came out and smiled at me. She shook my hand as I stood up. "I'm Jennifer White and I'll be You're planner. Thank you so much for choosing me, ma'am." I nodded, "You're welcome."

"Well," She began while adjusting her bag. "We're going to head next door to the coffee shop and have the meeting there. That okay?" She asked. I nodded and followed her to the small cafe.

As we sat we made a small order and sipped on our drinks. "So," she smiled. "Tell me about you and your fiancé!"

"His name is Niall Horan!" I smiled largely. "We met at his meet and greet for his band, One Direction." She smiled and nodded. "So," She laughed. "Im sure not all guys will be included but are there any bits Niall wants?" She asked.

I pulled out the notes and unfolded the paper to have a laugh. On the paper we're two stick figures and a small quote bubble saying "I love you."

"I'm sure he would like the babies to be a bit older." I said while pushing the paper away. "And he did say he wants the colors to be a pastel theme." I said, "I agree."

She took out some color swatches, "Any dates decided?" She asked, "Maybe." I said pondering. "August? The babies are due next month and by then they'll be three months." I explained to her and she nodded.

"That is summer, so go for more summery feeling shaded. Like green, purple, pink?"

I nodded and picked up the swatched and put them in my purse. We went over flowers, dates, gowns, and many more. I got a little overwhelmed to the point that I need to get some air. I excused myself and stepped outside and sat on a bench. I started to sweat a bit. Being pregnant with twins in spring/summer isn't the coolest.

I went back in the store and ended the meeting. On the journey home I was thankful to be on the way to see Niall. When I arrived I walked in to see Ally and Harry taping boxes shut.

"How is everything?" Ally asked, putting the tape down. I then sat and started to cry. Tears poured down my cheeks as my chest got heavier.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked while trying to comfort me. I wish I knew, I don't. I have no idea why I'm crying. Other than me getting a bit overwhelmed and anxious, the meeting went great and today was great. "Stress," I sobbed. "I'm pregnant and I'm planning a wedding. It's just a lot I guess." I tried to explain.

Niall came through the door and gasped at the sight. "What's wrong?" He nearly screamed. "What happen?" I laughed a little before hugging him. "Nothing!" I said. Luke came down and smiled. "Hey, Jazz!"

"I found a house to I'm moving out!" I then started crying again. What's wrong with me? These babies are putting too much pressure on me. "What's wrong?" He asked. "You're leaving, everyone is!"

They all laughed a little as Niall kissed my cheek. "Hormones!" Niall laughed

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