Chapter 33; Oh, Baby

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I woke up to hammer pounding against the wall. I rolled my eyes and ran out my room and across the hall. I knocked on the bedroom door I heat the noise coming from.

For the pass three weeks Niall has been getting together the babies rooms. The rooms across the hall have a bathroom connecting the two so we decided it would be great for the kids to have the room.

Niall opened the door and slid out so I would see what's inside. "Niall," I yelled. "I told you to do this when I'm awake! Not when I'm trying to sleep!"

You can say I have been a bit rude to others. I'm nine months pregnant! What do you expect really? My due date is in less than a week and Niall has been rushing to do everything before the babies come. I'm not sure he knows the the babies will be sleeping in the bassinet until they're around three months old.

"Ivy's room is completely finished! I just want to Jay's done now or else they'll be stuck sharing a room. And you said your self that you don't want that!" Niall replied while I rolled my eyes. I walk over to the next door, which is Ivy's room, and started to turn the knob. Niall came up to me and stopped me. "It's a surprise!" I rolled my eyes again and went to the room to lay back down.

The whole day I've felt uncomfortable and in pain. My ankles were swollen and contractions had started. The doctor said it's normal to feel them ever couple days when your nearing your due date.

Although today they were feeling very bad. I also had plans, which made it even worse.

Madison and I have become close. She has been super excited to be around so many babies. She thinks of them as her brothers and sisters, which is super sweet. Ever since I've been having contractions, she's been coming over every day to help out. Today she is coming over to pack for the hospital.

She came to my room and set her purse down and sat next to me. "Hey, Jazz!" She smiled and hugged me while rubbing my stomach. "Hey, Maddie." I smiled back and laid back a little.

"So I'm going to go in the room and grab some clothes for the babies to come home in. Any ideas?" She asked while putting her phone down and taking off her shoes. "Pink and blue, make sure they coordinate! A dress for Ivy and a button up for James!" I smiled as she ran along. She came back with two bags and set them near the door way. "Now your clothes!" She smiled. I laughed a little before stopping her. "Let's go eat? Have you had breakfast?" I asked while getting up and walking down stairs.

She followed me to the kitchen and took out the eggs and fruit. "I'll cook, Jazz. Take a seat!" She insisted. "Maddie, I'm pregnant not dying." She laughed a little before making me sit again. "I don't want you to be too tired. Child birth takes a lot of energy and you need to be up and ready! Also, your ankles look huge!" I laughed and agreed. I sat back in the chair and had meaningless conversation as we ate our eggs and fruit.

"Thanks, Maddie. It mean a lot that you're helping!" She nodded and smiled, "If you or Danielle ever need a babysitter, you know who to call!"

We continued our conversations before Niall came down and interrupted. Maddie got up to put our plates in the sink. Niall took my hand and led my upstairs. Maddie followed, eager to see what he had in store as well.

Niall opened the door he just finished, and smiled. Maddie and I walked in and looked at the room in all. The walls were the typical baby blue with white shelves going on one wall. The first shelf was filled with pictures of Niall and I, the second was ultrasound pictures. The rest were scattered stuffed animals and empty picture frames.

The dark cherry furniture accented the room perfectly. "I love it!" I smiled and hugged Niall. Just as I hugged him a contraction started and I winced in pain but carried through the bathroom. Throughout the day the contractions have been becoming more and more consistent, every Hour now.

The bathroom was a mix of pink and blue as it led us to the next room. The room was powder pink with lighter furniture and very similar to the other room.

I was overwhelmed with emotion as I tear ran down my cheek and another contractions started.

I excused myself and went to lay down. Maddie brought me water and toast and Niall was laying by my side. Maddie refused to leave so she slept in the guest bedroom down stairs and Niall stayed up until I could fall asleep. Which was nearly impossible for me to do.

Once I finally fell asleep, another contraction woke me up. Although, it was different. The pain didn't go away and I could breath. I let out a deep breath as a tear feel. "Niall!" I yelled. He got up to turn on the light and came to my side. "We need to go!" I yelled as I held his hand tight. "Go where?" He said, "To California!" I yelled sarcastically. "To the hospital, idiot."

Niall grabbed the bags and my hand and led my down the stairs. I waited as he went to wake Maddie up and led me to the car.

The whole ride there maddie was massaging my back and holding my hand. Niall was trying to lighten the mood but failing miserably.

The whole ride there I couldn't help but think that this is it. My children are being born. After nine long months of carrying them, I get to hold them and kiss them. I get to become a mother.

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