Chapter 15; Home

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Just as the third man crawled on top of me to take his turn, I heard a siren. A police car, an ambulance, a fire truck siren. All I knew was that someone was near.

My mind focused on that as the man focused his attention on my body. "You are surrounded." You hear a amplified voice yell. I'm free, freedom is near me.

The man on top refused to stop as he heard the doors bust down. He shook his head and let out a laugh, "I paid money for this."

His hand went back and charged towards my face, knocking me over on my side. He lifted my dress and began to use my body.

I my heart dropped as I started to cry. Maybe they weren't here for me. Maybe I was imagining it.

His hand went back as he slapped my thigh, I winced in pain as I heard people come up the stairs.

He refused to stop. He punched and slapped me, while using my body for such a nasty thing.

As he pushed me away and my head hit a wall, making me feel dizzy. Before i could comprehend what was happening, the man was pushed off of me and tackled.

I looked up to see a man with a uniform coming up to me. I slowly pulled myself up. Failing miserably as my arms gave out.

Just as I saw them drag him out the room I laid my head back and felt my eyelids drop. I opened them again as I felt myself being laid on a plush surface and being rolled out. I grabbed the surface below me and felt a thin sheet.

Where am I? What is happening? A small bump made me jump as I looked around to see men all around me.

"Stop!" I screamed. "Don't hurt me!" I said, pushing them all back. A man quickly filled syringe, making me jump back.

Once he injected it in me, I felt my eyelids fall once again as I fell asleep.

Where am I? What is happening? Am I dead? Am I alive? Will I ever see my family? Will I ever live to get married? Have children?

I winced in pain as the constant beeping of some machine went off. I opened my eyes and was blinded by the fluorescent lights.

I smelled bleach cleaner and latex gloves. I looked down to see myself in a blue gown and a white sheets covering my body. I looked around and saw baby blue walls and white separating curtains.

Just as I started to comprehend what was happening, a boy ran in.

He had blond hair and blue eyes and a thick Irish accent. He kissed me on every place of my face. Landing on my lips, he hugged me and turned to four others. They all hugged and kissed my cheek, welcoming me.

"We missed you!" They said, all smiling. Although I looked at them confused, who are they? What are they doing here?

"Who are you?" I said, speaking my thoughts. Some random men just come in and hug me, one kissing me, and I'm not even sure who they are.

"What?" One with short brown hair asked. "I'm Liam!" He yelled, "Your guardian."

"I'm Niall," the blond one said. His voice cracked, "Your boyfriend."

The beeping began again as I felt someone holding tightly to my hand. I squeezed it. I attempted to open my eyes but failed. The hand lost contact with mine and I felt it on my shoulder. I turned my head and let out a moan.

"Niall?" I said, speaking the first name that came to my mind. "Jazz?" He asked.

I opened my eyes to see him, my love. I see Niall. The love of my life is standing in front of me. I didn't say anything, I just pulled him closer and into my bed and kissed him.

I haven't felt his touch, his love for months. I craved to feel every bit of it. I pulled away and looked around. I saw all the boys sprawled out on the couches and chairs.

"Should we wake them?" I asked, pulling him even closer to me. "Let them sleep. I want to spend time with you."

"So what's been happening?" I asked, adding a little laugh. "I haven't gotten any sleep. We've all missed you, Jasmine. Very much." He said, kissing me forehead and cuddling me closer.

Niall and I laid around before the boys started to wake up and cuddle and hug me. "We've missed you so much!" Zayn exclaimed happily. "We all missed you so much!" Harry said, kissing my cheek.

A nurse came in and smiled at us all. "Well good afternoon!" She smiled, checking me quickly and picking up a clipboard. "Police are coming in to question you, is that ok?" She asked, putting the clipboard back. "Yes," I said reluctantly.

It's either I suck it up or have this terrible man wander around doing this to other girls, and me again.

Eventually the boys all left and got food for themselves. They were all reluctant to leave me, including Niall. No matter how many times that I argued, he stayed put next to my bed.

He laid with me in my bed and held my hand. He kissed it, "I'm so happy." He smiled down at me. "I'm happier!"

I started to fall asleep, as did Niall. Although, a knock on the door disrupted both of us from falling asleep.

Niall stood and shook the two men's hands. Compared to Niall, the men towered over him. Their attire consisted of a police uniform. They looked similar, dark hair, brown eyes. The average middle-aged man.

They both pulled a seat next to my bed, as Niall sat next to me again. "Hello, I'm Officer Jones, this is Officer Hayes. We will be apart of the investigation." They explained. Officer Hayes pulled out a note pad and a pen. "Now explain as far as you can," he began. "Try to be specific and clear with details. If you need a break or anything, tell us. Although, we suggest getting it done in one session so your father can be charged as soon as possible and the case can be over with."

I nodded and sighed, preparing my self for pain and tears. "Well, he took me from the rest stop. Before he took me, I was sent messages and things. Just him explaining that he missed me and craved me." I explained, hugging Niall. "When I was taken, I was let free. Until he started to threaten the boys. I went with him to keep the boys safe."

The men nodded for me continue. "The first couple of days consisted of rape and abuse. I barely ate and drank. After a while, he took me to a small city where we lived. He also took someone named Carl and Emma. We had a fake family. Me and Emma where sold for sex and Carl was used for fighting."

The men scribbled in their pads. "Then you guys found me! I couldn't thank you enough." A tear fell as Hayes rose and hugged me. "It's our job, sweetheart."

They thanked me and walked out my room. I saw them conversing with a nurse then leaving. The nurse came in, "I apologize about your current situation." She said sympathetically. "Although, we have to run some tests to make sure you are neither infected nor pregnant."

Niall removed himself from the room, kissing me before doing so. The tests were ran and all the boys returned to my room.

Anxiety filled my heart as I rolled over and stared at the wall my heart beated fast at the thought of being pregnant or infected. This would ruin everything. My future or me and Niall.

All I could do was lay, and wait. Wait for my life to end, or continue.

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