Chapter 9; PDA

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I felt arms around me and lips pressed in my neck as I woke from my slumber. Warm kisses going down my neck and a slight nibble on my ear was all it took for me to turn all my attention to the lovely man behind me. "Good morning, Gorgeous." He greeted me with a beautiful smile. He let his braces show as he leaned in and pressed our noses together.

Amazing is how I can describe this feeling. This feeling makes me want to scream that I'm the happiest and luckiest women in the whole world. Never would I have imagined myself where I am right now. Only my dreams would've taken me here.

Niall pulled my hand up to reach his eye sight. He kissed the finger that had the ring sitting on it. "I love you." He all he said, staring deep into my eyes.

After a couple minutes of silence Niall made a suggestion. "Let's go out today." He smiled, pulling me closer. "Like out?" I questioned him.

Although Niall and I are in a wonderful and very committed relationship. Social media, or any public platform, have any idea that Jasmine Payne and Niall Horan are dating. If they did, or even have the slightest clue, what would happen? That's the thought that made me want to stay inside and keep what we have our business.

"Yes," he smiled. "I think the fans and everyone will think it's good. I mean, of course it'll be a little busy when people catch us out and about. But why not?" Niall kissed my forehead and pulled back. He gave me a hopeful smile. "I'll think about it!" I replied, rolling out of my bed.

"I'm going to get some breakfast and shower." I smiled while pulling my pants on and my hair up. "I'll shower now." Niall laughed, running out of my bed and down to the bathroom.

I followed and went down the stairs, finding myself in the kitchen. A smile was still smug on my face as I thought about last night. I have never felt so loved, so cared for. I look behind me and saw Liam sat at the table. He had a bowl of cereal in front of him and his phone in his hand.

I poured myself a bowl as well and joined him. As I sat down he looked up and scanned me. "Good morning." He greeted, taking a bite of his food. "I see you're engaged?"

My heart dropped as I looked up at him wide eyed. He gestured to the small ring and I let out a laugh. "It's a promise ring, Liam." He laughed and nodded. "I know, I'm just messing with you."

"What are you up to today?" He asked as he put his phone down and continued eating. "Niall wants to go out. I'm not sure though." I shared, taking a bite of my food. "Why not?" Liam asked. "Well, I don't want any rumors or things that aren't true floating around."

"You make a good point." Liam laughed, "But you know that this was going to happen when you and Niall started dating. Also, it doesn't matter what others think. All that matters is that you and Niall know what's true and refrain from the accounts and YouTube videos. Even though it'll be hard, you'll have to deal with it. Me and Danielle have and I can say that we're pretty strong."

I smiled and thanked Liam for the advice. I finished my food and put my bowl in the sink. I ran up the stairs and to my room. I went to my bathroom and washed up.

As I was in the shower I thought about what Liam said. I lived my whole life with constant hatred thrown at me for things that weren't my fault or I didn't do. Although, I have a support system now that I didn't have then. Maybe things will be different and I can do things that I wouldn't have been able to.

After showering I dressed myself and sat at my vanity to do my makeup. As I was doing my eyebrows a knock came to my door. "Come in." I yelled, focusing on my left eyebrow.

Niall came up my stairs and sat on my bed. "Hello," he smiled. "Are we going?" He added while laying his head down on my bed.

I simply nodded my head, turning to see him smiling. He got up and kissed my lips before returning back to my bed. After I was finished we waved everyone goodbye and got in the car.

I went through my Twitter and realized that this was the last time I was going to scroll through normal tweets from friends and the boys. Soon constant notifications will be sent and unnecessary private messages.

Niall and I pulled up to a diner and we went inside. Instantly girls noticed us and followed us. When we sat down girls asked for pictures and people took some from afar. A waiter came up and was shaky around us the whole time.

After our meal, he came with our check. "I know you're Liam Payne's 'Daughter' and all," he began. "But would you want to go on a date?"

Immediately after the comment Niall stood and pulled me with him. "She's all mine, mate." He paid at register and walked me out the door.

While Niall was going on and on about how the guy should've known I was with him and such, I couldn't help but notice stares from others. They looked at me with dirty looks as they saw my hand in Niall's and ring smug on the other.

The whole day I felt uncomfortable. The small swarms of girls who huddled and followed us, constant stares, hearing the words "Isn't he in One Direction?"

By the end of the day I just wanted to go home. I walked ahead of Niall, ready to get the day over with. The sun was slowly setting and the shops were preparing for close.

Niall let out a small laugh at every little skip I had in my walk, or every time I admired a cute dress in the windows. "What is it?" I turned and asked, growing tired and irritated on the unknown giggles.

"You're beautiful." Is all he said, pulling me closer. "I can tell you're uncomfortable. I can tell you don't want to be out. But you're doing it for me. And that shows that you love me. And I think you're beautiful, everything about you. Like your personality. If you weren't so caring and kind, you wouldn't be here."

I smiled and kissed Niall's lips. "I love you, Niall."

I slowly eased into the rest of the nights. Growing more ok with the fact Niall and I were here, in town center. We were in front of the whole town, every camera could face us and every fan could swarm. Nothing could change the love we share.

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