Chapter 27; More Brothers?

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I arrived home from grocery shopping and started putting the food away. Niall came down stairs and started to help me.

Earlier today we had an appointment and as always, the babies are okay. Me and Danielle also went to lunch to plan a baby shower for the both of us.

As Niall and I put the groceries today, Ally came in with a grin. She started to help as well putting all the things in the fridge.

"When was the last time you heard from Luke?" She asked, her grin getting bigger. "Wow," I said to myself.

I haven't seen Luke in forever. Luke is my brother. We got separated when we got put into foster care. He was nothing but two years older.

"Maybe since I was twelve, or thirteen?" I said while putting the cereal away. "Who is Luke?" Niall asked, scoffing at his name. "I never told you this," I laughed. "But he's my brother. We got separated when we went to foster care." I explained to him. He nodded and continued doing the chore.

"When is the baby shower?" Ashly asked as she opened the strawberries and ate some. "Saturday," I smiled. "I'm so excited!"

Saturday quickly rolled around as Ally, Danielle, Perrie, and I prepared for the baby shower. The shower theme was a brunch. What we served were an assortment of breakfast foods and a breakfast casserole. The food was personally my favorite part.

One it was time to open presents Ally smiled. "I think it's my turn!" She said, stopping me and Danielle from opening presents. The boys looked at everyone confused as Ally stood next to me.

"The twins will have four amazing uncles and an amazing grandfather." Ally laughed as Liam shook his head. "But maybe he'd enjoy one more. I made a couple phone calls and I found Luke!" I gasped and looked at where she was pointing and saw my older brother standing in the door way. I jumped and ran to him as fast as I could.

I hugged him and let the tears fall. I pulled away and saw his now masculine features and couldn't help but let out a sob. I missed him so much. "You're fat!" He yelled as I backed away and laughed. "You're always the one to pick on someone."

I introduced him to everyone and continued the rest of the day. At the end of the party, it was time to clean up. All the friends and family had left and it was the boys, the girl, Ally, and Luke.

I sat on the bar stool and rubbed my stomach as Luke came up to me and put his hand on it. "Twins?" He said in disbelief. "It's like yesterday you were pushing around two baby dolls in your stroller and calling the Princess and California." I laughed and looked down. "The names Niall and I have chosen are much better than that." I laughed. "What are they?" He asked. "James William, Niall chose it." I said, looking down. "And the girl?" He asked. "Ivy Lynn."

He looked at me astonished and smiled. "Mom would've appreciated it, Jazz. Naming your first born after her. I bet she looking down and thanking you right now." He smiled. "Niall was wondering why we couldn't give her his mom's name. I don't think he knows why the name is so important." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "It's beautiful."

For the rest of the night we were just chilling around the house and having a good time. Family one is always fun. I finally have Luke back and Niall is over the moon happy after the baby shower. I guess this has made him realize that he's going to be a father.

At the end of the night, we heard something break and a yell. Harry came storming from the media room and ran out the house. Curious, Niall and I followed to the room to see Luke and Ally sitting down, a look of guilt on their faces.

Luke's p.o.v (I never do this but it's for the story)

"It's nice to see you!" Ally said as we ended the game on the PlayStation. I smiled, "Yea. You're really pretty!" I flirted.

Ally called me and told me she was in contact with my sister, Jazmine. So I followed her and have been planning this surprise for weeks. Every since then, Ally and I have gotten really close and it's safe to say that I like her. Getting closer to her is all I wanted.

"Oh, stop!" She blushed as she put the controller down and looked at me. "I really mean it."

I didn't know what I was doing. I remember seeing her beautiful smile then feeling her lips against mine. I don't regret the kiss, but I do regret not asking if she was involved with anyone.

"Ally?" We heard a voice say. I pulled away from her to see Harry standing by the door.

These weeks that I've been here, Ally was focused on Jasmine's happiness and hasn't told me much about her. She could've told me she was with someone though.

Harry's face showed pure anger as he knocked over a vase that sat on a shelf. He ran out, Ally and I just looking at each other and not knowing what to do.

Niall and Jazz showed up at the door as we scooted away from each other. "What happen?" Jazz asked, walking in and sitting between us. "I'm going to go find Harry. Who knows where he went!" Niall said while he ran out the room.

"I didn't mean it." Ally said. She showed no emotion as she stared at the ground. Jazz put her arm around her, comforting her. "Luke kissed me. But I didn't mean it." She repeated.

Jazz glared at me and rolled her eyes. "I'm sure he'll forgive you, babe." Jasmine said, trying to reassure Ally that nothing bad will happen.

Ally shook her head no, refusing to believe that it would happen. "It's not going to be ok!" She screamed, getting up and pacing the room. "I basically cheated, Jazz!" She then ran out the room and up to her own.

Jazz glared at me once more before following her. I laid back on the couch and sighed. What did I do?

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