Chapter 18; Mind Games

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I woke up to the usual smiling Niall laying beside me. My heart swelled with joy as I saw his face. His hand went to my waist and he pulled me closer into his chest. It was nice to not wake up to beeping and the smell of hand sanitizer for once.

I wondered what was in store for this day. I rolled over and let out an exhausted groan. "Do I have to get out of bed?" I asked, pulling myself up and reaching for my phone.

"Yes," he laughed. "You do. Danielle and her friend, Lilly, are taking you out. Danielle told me she wants to bond with you."

I laughed a little and got up. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. It felt nice to have a decent morning. The past couple days I've been waking up to a constant beeping and worried men surrounding my bed.

After my shower, I threw on leggings and a shirt and ran down the stairs. Breakfast was laid out on the table. An assortment of eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, and toast was arranged on the dining room table. I grabbed a plate and ran to the table where Zayn and Liam were.

I piled my plate with an endless amount of food and began devouring the meal.

As time went on, more and more of the boys came down. The last of all of them was Harry. We were all shocked to see him. He had a cut on the side of his face and a bruise at the bottom of his jaw.

"Harry?" Liam asked, jumping out of his seat. "What happened to your face?"

Harry p.o.v

I looked in the mirror, examining the cut and bruise that scared my face.

How did I let this happen to me?

We arrived home. Thank God we were here. I was so tired of being in that hospital room.

Although, I was there for Jazmine. Maybe one day she will come to realisation that she loves me and not Niall.

These thoughts racked my brain. I need air, I needed a simple walk.

I threw on my old converse, grabbed my keys, and my jacket. I made my way out the door and started to walk down the street.

I stopped at a small neighborhood park and laid out on the bench. I stared at the stars. The moon shined bright as the sun, and the stars twinkled along.

No matter how mesmerized I was by the sky I couldn't get my mind off of Jazmine.

As if the world wanted me to have a terrible life, a man, much taller and buffer than me, towered over my body.

I instantly stood to my feet, trying to match my height and seem at least a small bit intimidating. My attempts failed as he started to walk toward me, pushing me on the ground and digging through my pockets. He took my wallet, which held my credit card and ID, also my cash.

As soon as the pummeling was over, I found my way to my feet and ran. I wasn't taking a chance of lying there, or walking away slowly, and him coming back.

Once I got home, I ran to my room and laid in my bed. My eyes filled with tears.

My life is terrible. The girl I love isn't mine, all my cash is gone, my ID is in the hands of another, and I'm just sad.

I reached for the computer and froze my account and laid there in silence, wanting everything to end.

The event replayed in my mind over and over as I stomped down the stairs, scared to face the people I call my family. I hid my face as best as I could until I sat down.

My hood fell and everyone's eyes went wide.

"Harry?" Liam asked, standing from his seat. "What happened to your face?"

Jazmine p.o.v

Danielle ran over to Harry, caressing the scars on his face. "I got jumped, but I'm okay." He mutteered, playing around with his eggs.

"Simon is going to kill us," Liam groaned.

Harry rolled his eyes and pushed Danielle off of him. "Let's just not go outside for a while," Harry suggested. "I'll be perfectly fine, Liam."

Liam rolled his eyes and excused himself from the table. And awkward silence filled the room, as one by one the boys left.

After Liam ran upstairs, Danielle followed. Harry, not soon after, angrily left the table.

The rest continued to eat, subsiding the tension. Afterwards, I sat in the living room.

I had nothing to do, so I decided to go see Harry. He was there for me, now I'm going to be there for him.

I knocked slowly on his door and allowed myself in. Harry sat on his bed. His head in the palm of his hands.

"Harry?" I said, sitting next to him on the bed. "Yes," he replied. He looked at me through the cracks of his fingers and sighed.

"Why do you do this?" He asked, letting out a heartless laugh. "You care too much about me, you know?" He says, laying back and linking eye contact with me.

I looked down at my hands, "That's what friends do, Harry."

He let out another laugh, "Yeah." He leaned back up and looked at me. He hooked his finger underneath my chin and forced my eyes into his. "Just friends," he laughed.

I stood and straightened myself, letting out a small cough. "I came to make sure that you were okay." I smiled, walking around the room aimlessly.

"I'm decent, Jazmine. Thank you for asking. Although, it's your day to spend with Danielle. Don't let my foolish acts disrupt that." Harry started to gesture my way out the room.

It was as if Harry was playing some difficult mind game. He wanted me to feel bad for 'what I did.'

Although, in my head, I did nothing. I fell in love with Niall. It's not my fault that Harry was never close to me as Niall was.

My heart pounded fast as I made my way down stairs. I needed to start bonding with Danielle.

I saw Danielle standing by the door, looking in the mirror. She looked at me and smiled widely. "Are you ready?"

Although I wanted to say no, I nodded my head and continued to the mall.

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