Belly Dancing - Max Verstappen

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Your friend and you were asked to give a belly dance lesson to two boys. You didn't know who they would be, but you agreed. Your friend and you have been dancing at the dance studio for a while now and last year, you learnt belly dancing yourself.

At the exact time that you agreed on, two boys walk in, wearing the same clothes. Both of them are wearing a Red Bull shirt, with lots of little sponsor things on it. They are also wearing a cap. They both smile as walk towards you. You shake their hands and introduce yourself. Then they introduce themselves.

"I'm Daniel Ricciardo" the more tanned and latter boy says.

"And I'm Max Verstappen" the other one says. You nod and your friend moves to the other side of the room with Daniel. You take on Max and ask him to walk to more room with you. He follows you and you are glad about that.

You instruct him on what to do and he is struggling.

"No, you need to do it like this" you say and show him another time. He is looking at what you're doing and tries to repeat it, but it doesn't matter what he does, it looks weird. You start giggling and he blushes a bit.

"Should we just stop?" he asks you. You shake your head. You look a bit to the side and you see Daniel doing it alright. You point at him, without Daniel noticing.

"Do you want to be better than him?" you ask Max. His eyes widen slightly and he nods. You decide to act on your instinct, not on what your mind is telling you. You move towards Max and put your hands on his hips. He looks up to you, but smiles.

"Okay, now follow my instructions" you tell him. He nods. You help him and he finally picks up. He still isn't better than Daniel is, but you two have good fun and he is actually getting better. After the lesson is over, you hand him a bottle of water.

"Thank you, that was fun" Max tells you. You smile at him and nod, not really knowing what to say.

"You were looking good out there, Maxie" Daniel tells Max, who has now blushes again. You just giggle and grab some water yourself. Before you turn back around, you can hear Max and Daniel whispering to each other.

"Just ask her out, man. You clearly like her and she doesn't seem bothered by you" that was Daniel's voice.

"But we barely know each other" and that was Max.

"So ? That might just work out for you" you have enough of listening in and walk back to him. Your friend has joined them as well. Max then looks at you and smiles.

"Do you maybe want to go out sometime?" he asks you. You smile and nod. Max smiles brighter and Daniel high fives him. You exchange numbers and agree on texting each other. Even after they leave, you can still see that smile of his in your mind.


Hope you liked this one ! :) xxxxx

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