Driver - Max Verstappen

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You smile to your head engineer as he explains what to do when the race starts. He is talking about overtaking in the first corner and you just nod. You know it will be hard to overtake because everyone will be pushing hard.

You are in Abu Dhabi, the last race of the season. You are staring from 8th. You were very happy with that position. You start behind your teammate, Nico Hulkenberg. Your crush is in front of him. You look up to see him standing at his car, talking to his engineers. You sigh, he'll never like you like that.

"Are you ready, Y/N?" You nod in response as you are handed your helmet. You first put on your balaclava, making sure your hair is fully under it. You put on your helmet.

"By the way, make sure you finish in the points, you'll be in front of Nico in the standings, which will then prove that female drivers are good as well" Adam, your head engineer tells you. You nod and get in the car.


All the cars and you as well are back after the formation lap, ready for the start. The light go on, so you hold the clutch and press your foot hard on the gass pedal.

The lights go out and you lift your clutch, changing gear and being as fast as possible. You stay behind Nico, who is already battling with Max. In the first corner, Max spins and you can just avoid him. You gasp, seeing him.
That's him, your crush. Max Verstappen.

"Is Max okay?" You ask through the radio as you keep driving, now in 7th.

"Yes, he is at the back of the pack" Adam answers. You nod to yourself and try to push.

You get stuck behind Nico, who is not letting you go past.

"He has got to let me go, I'm quicker" you say into the radio.


You look in your mirros and see a dark blue car coming your way. Just then, Nico lets you past. You try to get your pace back up, as you keep seeing the Red Bull getting closer.

"Shit" you mumble. As much as you like him, you hate being overtaken. When he comes close, you defend and it works.

"Watch out, Y/N. It's Verstappen" Adam says. You roll your eyes. Yes, he always overtakes someone if he wants too, but that doesn't mean you're going to make it easy for him.

After another few corners, he is literally next to you, but you have the inside, so you stay in front after the corner.

You know he must be getting frustrated, but you smile. You know you won't hold him off for long, but you don't care.

He finally tries in the DRS zone and gets past you, without you trying to defend. Why would you ? He is much quicker and you know you only make it worse for yourself.


You stayed in front of Nico and finished 6th in the last race of the season, which means you also came in 7th in the standing, right behind the best guys out there.

"Who is it?" You ask in the radio, not being able to see who became World Champion.

"Rosberg. Hamilton won the race, Rosberg second, Vettel third. Verstappen 4th and Ricciardo 5th" Adam answers. You smile, you had hoped it would be Nico. He and you get along really well. He is like an older brother to you.

You park your car and get out. You can see Daniel and Max giving each other a hug and that makes you smile.

"Y/N!" you look up to see the two bulls walking up to you. You smile at both of them, offering a hug to the two.

"You came in right behind me, right?" Daniel asks you, as you walk towards the scales. You nod and smile at Daniel.

"She gave me a hard time! Damn girl, you were defending like I usually do" Max says, making you grin.

"I was worried about you though! You spun right in front of me" you say, stepping onto the scale. After, you wait for the two guys and together walk away.

"I didn't hit you, did I?" he asks, sounding worried. You shake your head, smiling at him.

"No, I just couldn't see if you were alright" you say, making Max smile as well.

"Yeah, everything was alright. Your team mate sucks" Max says. You laugh, actually getting along with Nico.

"Are you going to the party tonight?" Daniel asks you. You nod with a big smile.

"Should we pick you up?" Max asks, looking at you and then at Daniel. You nod.

"That'd be awesome" you say, smiling at the two. They wave at you, walking away to change and do their interviews.


It was now 10 P.M. Daniel and Max would arrive soon. You are excited, finally being able to party and be close with your fellow drivers. With your friends.

Overall, you get along with most drivers, which makes you happy.

A knock sounds on your door. You open it and see Daniel and Max. They both smile at you, as you return the gesture. You walk out of the room, phone and room key in your back pockets.

You are wearing simple ripped jeans, and a black tank top, with black heels. Your hair is pulled up in a pony tail, in case you'll get hot.

"Let's do this!" Daniel shouts as the three of you walk into the Amber Lounge. They ask the 3 of you to take a picture together and you do so. You are standing in the middle, smiling brightly at the two of them.

You then follow them inside, where the load music fills your ears. Daniel walks to the bar and you and Max just follow him. Max orders a beer, you a cocktail and Daniel comes back with an entire bottle in his hand. You shake your head and you drink your cocktail.

Daniel leaves to dance with some other people, while you and Max just awkwardly stand there.

"Do you want to dance?" Max asks you, all of a sudden. You smile and nod, putting your glass down. Max takes your hand, sending shivers through your body.

On the dance floor, Max and you start moving to the beat. A song from Martin Garrix and BeBe Rexha is on, and you know Max is friends with Martin.

Then, a slower song comes on and Max looks at you. Before you can do anything, Max grabs your waist and pulls you closer. You lay your head against his chest and you sway to the music.

Daniel taps both of your shoulders, before he turns to Max.

"Just kiss her already, mate!" Daniel shouts, before stepping aside. Max grins and leans in, kissing you. You smile while you put your arms around his neck, holding yourself close to him.

"You are something special" Max tells you when you pull away. You smile, taking it as a compliment.

"You caught my eye ever since the beginning of the season, but I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same. I had talked to Daniel about it and he said you might feel the same, but now that I know, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks you. You think back to all those times you, Daniel and Max had hung out and Max had looked at you. It all clicked now.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend" you say and kiss him again.

I liked writing this!
If anyone has a request, send it to me! :)

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