Chapter 4

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Kayla's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off  that my parents got me last night when we came home....

I pick it up and there's so many Twitter notifications...... So many beliebers are going crazy because I was the 'One Less Lonely Girl' last night.

@belieberforver: @KaylaMiller You definitely deserved to be the OLLG last night! I hope you get better.

@Mrs.Bieber: @KaylaBieber You where so adorable last night on stage! I hope you get well soon! I'll keep you in my prayers. #keepfighting

I went through all of these sweet tweets from beliebers all around the world! They are all so supportive and kind.
Then I saw one tweet that stuck out to me the most.

@justinbieber: Had a blast surprising the sweetest girl in the world last night!! Everyone keep her in your prayers. @KaylaMiller

I'm pretty sure my heart wasn't even beating right now! He posted a tweet about me and then tagged me in it!!!

Scooter's POV

🎶And if you feel your sinking, I will jump right over, into cold, cold water for you🎶

Where at the studio, recording a song that Major Lazer invited Justin to be in it.

I listen to him sing his heart out. Singing over and over to make it perfect.

I was in a daze and so when my phone went off it startled me.

I grab my phone out of my back pocket and I looked down at it and it said

LA Emergency Room

Why would the hospital be calling me? Is everything okay? All of these things where going through my head, making my heart skip 3 beats at a time.. Would if something bad happened to someone in my family?? I finally answered it.


Hi. Is this Scott Braun??

Yeah. But I go my Scooter.. Is everything okay?

Umm... well.... kind of....

What do you mean by kind of?? What happened..

By this time I was getting irritated.

Do you know Kayla Miller, Katie Miller and James Miller?

Yeah is everything okay?? Are they okay? Are they hurt? What's going on?    

I was raising my voice as I said these words. I was really worried about them. I think I was attached as much as Justin was.

Umm see... well they where in a car accident about 2 hours ago.

Before she could say anymore I Interrupted her with "Are they okay? "Why didn't you call me earlier" "are they going to live?"

Sir! Calm down!! Katie and James are totally okay. Just some scraps and bruises! And Kayla is to, but she has a lot of stress on her from the wreck. And stress is not good at all with cancer!! She has had 3 seizers in the past 2 hours.... they don't know if she's going to make it.. I'm sorry.

Umm, okay. Thanks for calling and telling me. Bye.


I felt tears his my eyes. How can this happen! She might not make it!! How am I supposed to tell Justin... I already know he's not gonna take it well. I don't think he can stand loosing someone this close to him again!

I dial Selenas number and tell her everything that just happened.. we both ended up breaking down and crying over the phone.. but I had to tell her! She can take it better than Justin can. Selena agreed that we'll all meet up somewhere and me and her tell him together, where we will both be there to comfort him. I just don't want him to have a metal break down or go into depression.

"Dude, you okay?" Justin said, startling me while i was looking out the window, hypnotized by the rain. I noticed that I've been crying, tears streaming down my face. I quickly wipe my face to get rid of the tears. "Yeah, I'm fine. Did you finish the song." Trying to change the subject. "Yeah man. Can't wait for my fans to hear it. I think there going to like it." He said that with happiness inside. I didn't want to ruin that! "Wanna go get a late lunch?"
"Yeah sure."
"Lemme call Selena and ask her if she wants to join us."

Here's our chance to tell him. But I'm
not sure if I want to break his happiness. He's been in a really good mood lately and I'm not sure if I'm ready to pop that bubble.

Justin's POV

"Justin, me and Scooter need to tell you something." Selena told me in a raspy sad voice.
"Okay, what is it?" I said nervously, not knowing what there going to tell me.
"Umm, Justin, you know Kayla and her mom and dad right?" Scooter said making mean even more nervous then I already was.
"Yeah! Is everything okay?"
"They had a car accident this morning, a couple of hours before yall went in the studio." Selena told me. My heart sunk. It fell all the way to my feet. I don't know what to feel. I can't loose her like I did Avalanna! Holding back the tears I said "Oh my gosh! Are they okay? Why didn't you tell me before?" I was mad and sad at the same time.
"Her mom and dad are okay and Kayla is to it's just that the car wreck put her under a lot of stress and that's not good at all for cancer patients. The nurse told me that she has had 3 seizers in the past 2 hours when I called her and Justin... They said that they don't know if she's going to make it."

I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down. I felt the tears stream down my face. I ran out of the restaurant and went and got in the car.. Selena and Scooter where calling after me but I didn't stop! How can god do this to me?  How can he put one death on me and now this.... it's all to much! I can't handle loosing Kayla.. I'm not going to loose her. I can't do this anymore.

I know you all hate me now. Sorry but I said that there was gonna be drama.... I feel bad for Justin and I'm writing the book!

What do you thinks gonna happen next? What do you want to happen next? Do you think Justin is going to get depressed? How do you think Selena can help him get through this? Leave your answers in the comments below!

Don't forget to vote! I love you guys! ❤️️

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