Chapter 13

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Justin POV

"What about my beliebers? Do they still exist." I said while on the phone, crying, in the back of a cop car....

"Justin" I heard someone call out repeatedly.
"Justin." The same voice called out.

I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Selena hovering over me.

"Are you okay? Your crying." Selena asked. I just looked at her... "I had another dream."

I sat up in the bed.

"What was it about." Selena asked

"All I remember was being back in a cop car... and.. I was on the phone with someone. And I remember asking whoever I was on the phone with, if my beliebers still exist. And I was crying." I explained to Selena.

"Justin, about 4 years ago, you went to jail. You went to jail for supposedly drag racing and some other things." She told me

"Why am I having these dreams.?" I asked Selena

"I don't know Justin." Selena told me

"Wanna go to Starbucks and get breakfast? I need to get this off of my mind." I told Selena


The car ride was silent. When we was passing by stores, I noticed that they had valentine stuff up.

I felt like I've known Selena forever. But I don't remember the things about her. And if I'm her boyfriend I have to do something for her... I just don't know what yet.

I pulled out my phone and looked on the calendar to see the exact date of Valentine's Day. It's tomorrow... what am I gonna do?


We pulled up at Starbucks. My security guards opened our doors up to let us out. Paparazzi surrounded us. How did they know we where even coming here?

"Justin how are you feeling?"
"Selena, over here."
"Give us a big smile."
"Do you think you'll regain your memory?"
"Selena. How are you taking all of this?"
The paparazzi screaming questions at us.

We got in Starbucks and ordered our food and drinks and sat at a table. Luckily there wasn't many people here

Selena POV

For all of you wandering, yes, we are still in Canada. We haven't really talked to his mom or dad brother or sister or even Kayla sense the accident. But we are gonna go see them all today. And we are gonna fly back to LA later tonight.

"Justin, after we leave here we are going to your moms house to tell them goodbye. We are flying back to LA tonight." I told Justin

"Okay. But what about that Kayla girl you told me about? I don't want her seeing me like this." Justin told me

"She knows Justin. She knows you lost your memory. Her mom told me that she will not go to sleep at night without praying for you." I told Justin.

"Okay." Justin looked down at the table.

"Are you ready to leave."

"Yeah, I think there gone now." Justin looked outside to see if the paparazzi are gone.

We got up from our table. Justin grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes. "Never leave me." He whispered to me. "Trust me. I won't." Then he smashed his lips onto mine and with that we walked out.


"Justinnnn" kayla ran to Justin's arms.
"Justin do you remember me?" Kayla asked. Justin looked up at me. "Let's not talk about that right now. Are you ready to go back home?" I tried to get kayla off the subject. "Yeah but I'm gonna miss jax and jazzy" she said. As soon as she said that Jaxon and Jazmyn both came running to Justin for a hug. "I'm gonna miss you Justin." Jazmyn told Justin. "I'm gonna miss you too. I'm gonna miss you both very much. But I'm sure we will see each other soon. Hopefully by then I'll be better."

Justin's POV

I got up and looked at my mom and my dad. I saw tears in my moms eyes. I went and gave her a huge hug. And told her I would see them both soon. With that, me, Selena, Kayla and her mom and dad all walked out the door and got in the car, on the way to the air port.

Authors note: I hope you like this chapter. If you do, don't forget to vote. Please comment and tell me how you like the book so far.

Do you think Justin's memory will come back?

What do you think Justin will do for Selena for Valentine's Day?

And I know Valentine's Day was a long time ago, just go with it.

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