Chapter 10

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Justin's POV

Today is Christmas.... I have every thing planed out perfectly. Today is gonna be amazing and Selena is definitely gonna remember it.

Selena was still sleeping so I thought I could make her, her favorite breakfast in bed. I made her pancakes, bacon, and eggs. She loves that.

I walked up stairs to her room quietly not waking her up. When I got into her room I placed the food on the nightstand and whispered her name and gently nudge her "Selena. Selena. It's Christmas and I made you breakfast." Once I noticed that she wasn't gonna get up I kissed her on her forehead and she started smiling. She set up and got her food. She patted on the bed for me to sit next to her. "Thank you" she said "you don't have to thank me" I said and my lips searched for hers.

"JUSTIN! SEL! Get up it's Christmas!" Jazzy and Jaxon barged in our room and got in the bed with us..... "it's Christmas! Get up!" Jaxon grabbed my hand and jazzy grabbed Selena hand right after she put her food on the nightstand. We ran downstairs and saw all the family in the living room waiting for us.

Selena's POV

We where opening presents and jazzy and Jaxon was so exited. Jermey got them both a giant gummy worm and Justin got jazzy a iPhone seven and Jaxon a iPad Pro. For some reason Justin is making me wait till everyone has opened there presents to open mine. Now it's time for Justin to open his from me. I watched him rip the paper off of the present and then he opened the box and pulled out the present his eyes got wider.. "how did you do this?" she said pulling out the record cd of "Purpose". I shrugged "I may have talked to scooter and the recording studio.. and I may have gotten some files from the album." I smiled. "Thank you so much Selena." Then he hugged me.. the next present he opened was a record player for the purpose record.

Now it was my turn to open mine. I'm a little nervous. I always get nervous at these kind of holidays because you never know what Justin's gonna do for you. But the real reason why I'm nervous is because would if he proposes? It's not a bad thing it's just.... i don't know, I just get really nervous.

I slowly tear the paper of the the small box. When I tore the paper of off it I opened the box which looked like a ring box. Once I saw what was in it I got so happy. It was the ring I've been wanting forever! And Justin finally got it for me! I jumped up and smashed my lips onto Justin's and gave him the biggest hug. "Thank you so much." I said to Justin "Don't thank me just yet because there's still more." Justin said to me. "Where?" I said as looking for the present." Justin turned my face so I was looking at his and said "you'll have to wait. It's a surprise." He said with a smirk. 
"Ughhhh" I groaned. I love surprises but I hate waiting.

Justin POV

I'm taking Selena at a fancy restaurant to kill time. What she doesn't know is That during my last concert (before I'm officially on break) tonight starting at 7 and I'm gonna get her on stage and sing "Christmas love" to her. She's gonna be surprised. Hopefully.


It's 5.00pm.. 2 hours to the concert. "Selena get dressed." I said to Selena "what do you mean." I started smiling "you know I didn't mean it like that." Selena playfully pushed my shoulder.
"Oh yeah! You have a concert tonight." She said. "Yeah now go get ready."

Selena's POV

I did as I was asked and went and got dressed.

I decided to wear a dress but a dress that wasn't too dressy, some cute shoes with a cute little bracelet, a little make up and I twisted my hair to the side.

"Okay Justin, I think I'm ready

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"Okay Justin, I think I'm ready." I walked down the stairs and when Justin saw me Justin's eyes got wide.

"What?" I asked, Justin smiled and
said "I said get dressed, I didn't say to kill me." He laughed "is it bad?" I asked he got close to me, looked dead in my eyes and said "no. It's beautiful. Your beautiful." After about 2 seconds of just staring into each other eyes Justin broke the silence by grabbing my hand and saying that we have to go.


When we got to the venue me and Justin obviously went straight back stage. Justin went to his dressing room to get ready for his show tonight and I went to go get some coffee.


I love watching Justin preform. He really puts everything he has into the show to make his beliebers happy. He's been preforming for about 30 minutes and right now he's singing 'No Sense'.

After he sung the song he walked back stage and took my hand and started pulling me on stage.

"What are you doing?" I laughed
Before I knew it I was on stage in front of thousands of people, I didn't mind it but why would he get me on stage with him. As soon as I stepped on stage the screams got louder.

Justin made sure his microphone was on where all of his fans could hear all of our conversation then he gave me a microphone.

"Sit down." Justin pointed at one of the stools for me to sit down. So I sat down and Justin sat down on the other one. He grabbed his guitar and started playing it. When he started singing I noticed that he was singing 'Christmas Love', one of my favorite Christmas songs of his. Before I knew it I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. He's so sweet!! I love him so much.

*BOOM...... BOOM* every one started screaming at the gunshots. Justin took my hand we ran off stage.

"Justin!!!" I pointed at the blood on his arm...... "Justin!! They shot you!!"

"Shhh it's okay." Justin said as he was pulling me back stage...

Justin's POV:

Then all of sudden everything was black..............


#clifhanger Hope you like this chapter.... please comment what you think about it. No ones even reading my book........ and tbh I had no idea how this chapter was gonna know... I didn't even know the big scene at the end was gonna happen till I wrote it......

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