Chapter 11

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Selena's POV

"JUSTIN!!! JUSTIN!!!!!" I cried

"HELP HELP!!!!" I screamed

Scooter came running over to where we where at.

"He got shot!!"

"Yeah police have already been called, they should be here any minute." Scooter told me

"JUSTIN JUSTIN!!!" I can't screaming his name for him to wake back up..

I can't loose him, not now. He's my everything. My whole world. My heart. I love him so much. I don't know what I would do without him. Without him I wouldn't be here right now. Without him I'd be lifeless. Without him I'd be nothing.

I started at him while crying for what seems like forever.

I heard the sirens of the police cars get closer. I got up and looked at Scooter. I saw that he was crying too. Justin and Scooters relationship is so close.. Justin would take a bullet for Scooter, and Scooter would do the same for Justin.

The paramedics came running in the arena and got Justin. I heard one tell the other that he just lost a lot of blood. But I didn't hear anything else because the police pushed me away. I hope he's okay.

**** now it's Justin's POV from where he got shot up until mow*****


*BOOM...... BOOM* every one started screaming at the gunshots. I took Selena's hand and we ran off stage.

"Justin!!!" Selena pointed at the blood on his arm...... "Justin!! They shot you!!"

"Shhh it's okay." I said as I pulled her back stage...

We got backstage. But........ I feel really dizzy........ 

Then all of sudden everything was black..............


I woke up and saw that I was in a hospital. Wait......... who's all these people???? Wait......... why am I even here??

"Umm excuse me ma'am?." The girl with beautiful brown hair turned to look at me.

"Justin you awake... how are you feeling." She said... I was so confused. I don't even know her. I don't even know why I'm here.

"Who are you and why am I here?" I asked..

"What are you talking about Justin, I'm Selena I'm your girlfriend. Your the love of my life. You passed out. Justin please remember." The girl named Selena cried.

I don't understand. She's my girlfriend??

A tall guy walked over to my bed.

"Listen Justin, I need you to listen to me... what's the last thing you remember."

I tried thinking hard. But to be honest I couldn't think of anything.

"I don't remember..." I told the man
"Who are you?" I asked....

Before he could say anything 2 nurses came in. The girl named Selena told them that I couldn't remember anything.

The nurses told her that it could be because when I fell I hit my head, But they said it's only temporarily....

The nurses gave me some medicine. And repatched up my arm which I still don't know what happened to it.

AUTHORS NOTE: hope you enjoyed this chapter.. and before y'all start thinking anything, I do not know anything about medical stuff so I'm sorry if I got anything wrong..... thanks for reading! DONT forget to vote

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