Chapter 17

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Selena's POV

It was 12:30 at night and I can't go to sleep.

I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom and called Taylor.

"Hello?" Taylor said in a tired voice.

"Hey it's Selena. Can you come pick me up, I need to talk to you." I said.

"Like right now? It's midnight." Taylor said.

"Please Taylor." I said.

There was a long pause.

"Okay. Let me get ready. Where are we going?" Taylor asked.

"Umm McDonald's?" I said.

"Okay sounds good. Bye."

We both hung up the phone. I walked out the bathroom. I heard Justin slowly waking up.

"Are you okay?" I heard Justin say in a raspy voice.

"Yeah. I just need to get some air, so Taylors going to pick me up. Umm. We are going to McDonald's." I told Justin.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Justin said

"No I'm good." I said before going over to Justin and kissed him. I grabbed my
Stuff and walked out the door.


"So what's up? What do you want to talk to me about?" Taylor asked me.

"Umm... well... every morning I've been throwing up. Like when I say every morning I mean EVERY MORNING. I don't miss a day without throwing up. and I think.........." Taylor cut me off.

"Your pregnant?" Taylor screamed with excitement.

"Shhhhhhh.... yes I think I am." I whispered.

"Come on. Let's go to the store." Taylor quickly grabbed my hand and walked out of McDonald's.


"Would if someone sees us?" I asked Taylor while walking up to Walmart.

"I think we'll be find its 1 o'clock in the morning." Taylor said.

We walked in and Taylor was right, only a few people were there. Hopefully they won't see us buying a pregnancy test.

"Just don't let anyone see you buying the pregnancy test." Taylor whispered.

We where only there for about 5 minutes when a girl about 16 or 17 came up to us and asked for a picture.

"We need to hurry up before anyone else sees us." I told Taylor.

Me and Taylor rushed to where the pregnancy test where and hurry up and paid for it and went to the bathroom.

Luckily no one was in there.


I walked out of the bathroom stall and waited until it showed up if I was pregnant or not.

"It says we have to wait 2 minutes."

Two minutes went by. I didn't want to look at it. But I did anyway.


"Oh my god." I whispered. Taylor looked at the pregnancy test and saw what it said.

I felt tears rush to my eyes. This could be amazing and terrible at the same time.

"Your keeping it. Right?" Taylor asked.

I laughed

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm keeping it!" I said.

"It's just, what is other people going to think. What it Justin gonna think about it." I told Taylor.

"Selena, don't think about what other people is gonna think. They have there own opinions. There going to say things, wether they are good or bad. Stop worrying about other people and worry about yourself and Justin."

"Okay. Your right. But how am I going to tell Justin?" I asked Taylor.

Taylor laughed

"That's for you to figure out. With that we walked out of the bathroom and left. It was 1:45am. Me and Taylor didn't want to go back home and we where both wide awake so we went on a walk.

"Whatever you do you have to promise not to tell anyone. DONT tell anyone. Not even family or friends." I told Taylor.

"I promise. This stays between us. But you have to promise that I get to plan the baby shower and babysit when he or she is born." Taylor smiled.

"I promise." I laughed.

"Justin's birthday is next week. What are you gonna do for him?" Taylor asked

"I got the perfect plan." I smirked.


Hope you like this chapter.
Baby names?
Boy or girl?
What do you think Selena is gonna do for Justin.
What do you want to happen next?

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