Chapter 5

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Justin's POV

It's been almost a week sense Selena and scooter told me about Kayla. Ever sense we left the restaurant, I locked myself in my hotel room and won't come out... I want to go see her, but I'm afraid that I can't take it and I'll break down in front of her. I don't want her to see me like this.

"Justin!! Justin!!" Scooter has been trying to get me to come out of my room all day because I have a concert tonight. I was thinking about canceling it, but I can't let my fans down! They're everything to me and I can't do that to them.

I open my door and see scooter standing out side of my room. "Finally! I was really getting worried about you." scooter said.  "When's rehearsal?" I said, not in the mood. "We can go now."
"Let's go!"
Justin's POV

We get to the arena, and after an hour of rehearsing, my head starts hurting and my head feels a little fuzzy. But I just blow it off because If I can't let my beliebers down!

Scooters POV

I was backstage while Justin was rehearsing. I could hear his talented voice. Singing his heart out.......... then it stoped.. his singing stoped.. I heard a loud bang and then I heard Selena scream! I ran out there and saw Justin laying on the floor lifeless, he wasn't awake. Selena was on the ground looking over Justin "He was singing then he fell and when he fell he fell off stage and hit his head." Selena said while crying. I run over to where Justin was laying, my heart started racing. I  get on my knees and start shaking him to wake him up. "Justin get up! Justin!!" I screamed at Justin. Trying to get him to wake up. I felt tears come to my eyes. "Umm. Okay. Oh my god. Okay. We need to call the ambulance." I pull out my phone and simply dial 911 and get an ambulance.

Selenas POV
The doctor said that he was in a coma. They said that he fainted due to stress. And when he hit his head it put him into a coma. "JUSTIN WAKE UP!! You got too!! You have so many people counting on you. You have to wake up! The world needs you!! Come on Justin. Wake up for your fans! They love you! They can't loose you! I can't loose you." I was screaming all of these things to Justin. Trying to get him to wake up. There where so many negative thoughts going through my head..

I can't loose him. He's everything to me! He's my world. I love him so much. I don't know what I would do without him. I wish he would wake up and tell me that's he's not going anywhere and holds me tight and doesn't let go. I wish he would tell me one more time how much he loves me and how much he cares about me. I wish he would tell me that everything will be okay. I just wish he would wake up.

I heard a knock on the door and I jumped because I was trapped in my thoughts. I realize that my face was wet because of the tears that came from my eyes. I wipe my face and tell the nurse to come in..

"I'm just gonna give him more medicine."

"Okay" I said in a raspy voice from crying. "Is he okay?" I asked
"Yes. I'm sure he's going to be okay. You just have to Believe and Never Say Never."   "Thanks" i said as she walked out the room. But I'm pretty sure the only reason why she said those things is because he's Justin Bieber and those are his songs.

I've been sitting in the room that seems like forever, thinking about all the things that could go wrong. I grab his hand and hold it tight. I just wish he would just squeeze my hand as hard as he can. To let me know he's listening and that he can hear me. "Come on Justin. Do it for me. Squeeze my hand." 

Then there it was, what I've been waiting for. I felt a little squeeze. My heart started pounding. I tried to say his name but before I said anything, the sound that I wished I never had to hear. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep.......... I jump up and run into the hall and start screaming and crying for help.... They rush in the room and push me out.

Justin's POV
I was in a forest with beautiful tress surrounding me. The grass was greener then ever. I felt like I was at piece. I felt like all the stress that was a burden on me my has grew wings and flew away. I fount the way out of the forest and I was on a hill. The sun was shining bright, brighter than ever. The sun was getting bigger and bigger. I felt like it was calling me there. I walk to it without hesitating. "Justin!!" I heard a familiar voice. I quickly turn my head toward the light. I saw the face I haven't seen in years. That same old innocent voice. I run to her and pick her up and swing her around in circles and I finally get to here that beautiful sweet laugh. "I missed you so much, Avalana, why did you ever leave me?"
"I had to. God called me home. And I told him hi for you like I said I would." Tears started rushing to the front of my eyes. "Thank you" I whispered. "Wait am I in heaven?" I quickly put her down. "No, and your not going right now." She told me. "What do you mean?" I said confused
"Your not in heaven right now. And you can't go to heaven. You've got to many people in the world that need you. Do you know how many people will be so sad because your gone?" She explained to me. "But I like it here. I feel great! There's no more stress." I told her.
"Justin!!! Your only thinking about yourself! Now go back and show them that your not gonna leave! Give them all you have.. and go see Kayla, it will make you feel better. She loves you, scooter loves you, Selena loves you, and most importantly your beliebers love you. Don't let us down.

Selenas POV
"We've got him back. You can go and see him now." I walk back in the room and sit in the chair I've been sitting in all day. I grab his hand and tell him to wake up for me. "You've always never wanted to let anyone down. If you leave me, your letting all of us down. Your beliebers, me, the bieber crew, Scooter, the whole world. Come on Justin. Don't let us down." 

This chapter is 1253 words just because I couldn't find a stopping point..

What do you think will happen? Do you think Justin will live? Or is he gonna let everyone down?

If you like this book so far please let me know by commenting your thoughts and if you really like it vote! But I need inspiration to write and that means you need to comment and tell me how you feel about the book!

Anyway I'm going to bed! Love you guys! I hope your enjoying the book.. okay I'm tired bye....

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