Chapter 8

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Selena's POV

It's literally 5 days till Christmas and I can't wait till see Justin's reaction when I tell him his Christmas surprise! And another thing that I wasn't expecting is that Kaylas mom just Called me and said that Kayla was doing much better and that she's also awake.

It's sad that Kayla has to stay in the hospital 24/7 pretty much. I just wish cancer didn't exist and she could get better.

I get out of my bed as justin was still sleeping and I went to the kitchen and made me and him a huge breakfast to tell him what his surprise is.

Justin's POV

I woke up by the sound of the pots and pans, so I assumed Selena was cooking.

I walked down stairs and saw her standing in front of the stove and I went up to her and hugged her from behind.
"Babe, why are you doing this? We could've went out or ordered something." I said in her ear.
"I know but I just wanted to do this for you." She said happily
"You sound like your up to something." She grinned
"Selena. Tell me." I started tickling her.
"OKAY! If you stop I will tell you." I stopping ticking her.
"Just kidding. I'm not gonna tell you." She said and started running knowing I would chase after her and start tickling her again. I finally caught her and we both fell on the couch.
"TELLL MEEE." I dragged out the words.
"Would if I don't won't to?" She said as she smiled.
"Seleennnaaa!" I said frustrated
"Okay. I'll tell you. Okay so I'm taking you to Stradford for Christmas." She said quickly.
"WAIT!!!! CANADA???" I said excited
"Yeah! Canada and it's going to work out perfectly because your on your break of your tour for a couple of months so you don't gotta worry about Scooter." She said. I thought a little bit.
"Wait! What about Kayla? I can't leave her here. What if something happens to her?" I said
"There's another surprise. Kayla's mom called me before you got up this morning and said that Kayla is doing much better and we talked to her doctor and he said he will let her go with us. And she can meet Jaxon and jazzy and they can all three play and hang out with each other." She said
"Really? So when are we leaving?" I asked
"Tomorrow at 2pm. So if I where you after we get done eating we need to start packing....... Wait that reminds me. THE FOOD!!!" She jumped up and ran to the kitchen. I followed her.
"It's ruined! It's all burnt!" She said as she looked at the floor.
"I told you we should of went and got something or ordered something." I said with a smirk. She laughed and pushed me away. "Go get ready and we will go to Starbucks."

Selena's POV
***at Starbucks***

Justin got out of the car and opened my door to let me out and grabbed my hand trying to ignore all the stupid questions the paparazzi where asking.

"Selena, do you think Justin's cheating on you?"
"Selena, How many times has Justin cheated on you?"
"Justin, have you been talking to Hailey?"

I don't understand why paparazzi aren't illegal. There was trying to ruin mine and Justin's relationship and trying to be in our personal life. I don't understand it. I don't do them that wait.

We finally get in Starbucks and ordered what we wanted and sat a table and just talked for about an hour and a half. After we saw that most of the paparazzi left we decided to leave.

"So does Kayla know that she's going to Canada with us?" Justin broke the silence in the car.
"Yeah. Yeah she does. She knew about the surprise before you ever did. Well sense this morning." I laughed.
I reached and turned the radio on and when I turned it on Justin's song "Let Me Love You." came on and me and him both started singing it to the top of our lungs purposely singing horrible. After the song went off Justin turned and looked at me and said "I love you." I looked at him and said "I love you too. And I always will."

We went home packed our bags and cleaned the whole house and by the time with all of that including eating lunch and supper, it was 6:00pm

"Do you wanna go see Kayla?" I asked Justin. I mean we had nothing else to do.
"Umm yeah sure. Let me find the keys." He said while he got up and looked for them.
"Your driving? You never drive." I said
Justin didn't say anything. He found the keys and we left.

We got to the hospital and went to Kaylas room. "Selena! Justin!" Kayla said as soon as we walked in. "Hey girly. Are you feeling better?" Justin asked Kayla "yeah I feeling much better." She said while smiling.
"That good! Are you excited to be going with us to Canada?" Justin asked her
"Yeah! I can't wait to see your little brother and sister!" She said
"I can't wait to see them either. I miss them so much!" Justin said.

We all talked for about an hour then me and Justin left. When we got home it was like 7:30pm so we decided to watch Disney movies and eat popcorn. We watched Finding Nemo then after that we watched Finding Dory. I must've fell asleep on Justin's shoulder because he woke me up saying "you fell asleep. Do you wanna go to bed?" I smiled and said "yeah." After kissing him.


THIS IS A REALLY CRAPY CHAPTER. I know. And I have no excuse for its 12:00am. I'm at my cousins house listening to Justin Bieber.

What do you thinks gonna happen next?

What will happen when they go to Canada?

What do you want to happen next?

Also what's your favorite Justin bieber song?

Also I'm doing another book after this ones finished but it's not gonna be a Jelena one it's gonna be about Selena. If you have any ideas for the book cover, the book name, or what the book should be about either comment or message me.

Please give me some motivation to write! I feel like no ones reading my book. Why should I continue it if no ones reading it? Anyway please comment and let me know your reading it.

#notedited And also I did not edit this so if there some mistakes it's because i didn't edit it.

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