Full of scared emotions in different ways..

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Ichirou and Saruma ate breakfast together which was made by Saruma's Grandma who seemed exceptionally pleased of Saruma for all of the wrong reasons which seemed to put Saruma in a nervous position that she couldn't get out off or avoid. Saruma was still going over the nightmare of waking up in her underwear cuddling Ichirou. Ichirou on the other hand seemed happy and very pleased with himself. Thinking he had scored a date, he asked confidently "You wanna go anywhere today?" he grinned as he worked his way through the warm pancakes which was covered with maple syrup.

Saruma was still chewing on the pancakes and had spaced out for a good 5 minutes before coming back to reality and panicked quickly "U-Uhhh n-no thanks" she said extremely nervously as she quickly ate the rest of her pancakes and stood up. She handed her plate to her grandma and thanked her for the pancakes. Ichirou who now felt downtrodden by the reply, also finished his pancakes and handed the dirty plate to Saruma's grandma. They soon got ready for school and headed out of the door, Saruma's grandma giving Saruma a kiss goodbye on her cheek. Whispering "Please reconsider Ichirou's offer for a date" she grinned. 

They left the warm apartment and headed out into the cold hallway before walking downstairs into the rising sun. They never talked while walking to the train station and Ichirou gave Saruma a kiss on the cheek as they parted at the station. Saruma walked on the platform hoping that she hadn't missed the train when a lone figure appeared from the shadows and began to quickly stroll towards her, leaving little time to react as she felt herself pinned to a wall. "Hey little girl" the boy sneered "Remember me?" Saruma looked at him as she began to choke and she nodded "Y-Yea" was all she could muster as she felt the oxygen being drawn from her "Well that's a good thing 'cause I would've hospitalized you by now" Tora sneered at her again, making sure that she felt his breath against her face. At that point, Ichirou came up behind the unexpecting bully and kicked him straight in the back of the knee which caused Tora to fall onto his knee. Ichirou then followed up by punching his head, leaving him to fall down on his own. Tora stopped moving after the blow which left Saruma passing out on the platform.

A few hours later, Saruma woke up with a pain in her head as her eyes adjusted to the new surroundings. "Hey you ok Saruma?" a boy asked. She nodded and slowly sat up as blurred vision faded she saw Toki and Shiro standing there with a few other classmates. She didn't recognize the room and began to look around confused. "Where am I?" she asked confused "You're in my house" Ichirou replied who appeared out of nowhere. Her eyes went wide "Why am I in your house Ichi?!" She asked nervous and kind of surprised "Well because no one knew where you lived. Welcome" He said happily and winking at her with his arms wide open. Saruma got up and hugged him tightly "Thanks Ichi" she said as she regained her balance and senses. Toki spoke "Shiro and I have to go now back to school" The others nodded "Yeah" one said "We need to or our asses will be kicked by the teachers" This comment made everyone stop and stare at the boy who replied "What?" They sighed and began to leave when Shiro said "We will see you after school though" He said happily.

Saruma sat on the couch and asked Ichirou "Ichi why didn't you take me home?" she looked at him, hoping he would give a good enough reason why he had brought her here. Ichirou replied "Well because yesterday you told me not to didn't you?" he exclaimed and she nodded "Yeah I did..." she sat there for a while longer before saying "Hey, Ichi, thanks for everything that you did for me today and yesterday. I'm grateful for it" She smiled at him which caused him to blush "N-No problem" he said nervous from the blushing.

A few hours later it reached lunch and Ichirou asked her if she would like anything. She asked if what he had in the fridge and he replied nearly instantly "Well we have a few ingredients which we can throw together to make some sort of food" he looked at Saruma who looked equally confused on what they could have for lunch. Then Saruma came up with an idea.
After the pizza arrived, they sat back down on the couch and she started to eat the pizza happily. Ichirou however didn't want to get pizza but he saw no alternative and gave in to getting it. They both slowly ate the hot food as they small talked for a while. Soon the cardboard box which used to hold the pizza was stuffed in the bin.

They lay next to each other on the couch, enjoying cuddling together. Their bodies enjoyed each other as they watched TV which sat not too far away on a stand. Later, when Toki and Shiro had been and gone, Saruma and Ichirou started to get ready for bed. She looked out of the window and saw clouds gathering. Dark clouds slowly creeping towards them, full of rain. "Ichi, is it going to rain tonight?" she asked nervously. Ichirou looked up and stared out of the window "Maybe..." he said sounding unsure "Not sure. You'll be ok right?" he looked at her. She nodded back still nervous.

Soon storms began to swirl around the city and Saruma started to become scared of the thunder and lighting. Instantly she felt a warm arm around her and she turned to see Ichirou laying there. She instantly cuddled him tightly and quietly cried as Ichirou comforted her "You're safe now. It's ok I'm here for you" She nodded and place her head on his chest and slowly fell asleep on him.

The next morning they both woke up and smiled at each other. The storm had been and gone and the sun rose slowly. They got up and changed into their school uniform before kissing softly. They moved out of the bedroom and ate breakfast happily while making small talk. Afterwards they walked to school together making sure that no one saw them holding hands. The sun shone brightly as they walked through the school entrance and into their classes together. Saruma entered first into the buzzing classroom as she was created by happy faces and Toki and Shiro came up to her and hugged her happily "I'm glad you're back!" they both said in unison. "We went by Ichirou's house but nobody opened we figured you went home. Sorry"

After school had ended, Ichirou, Saruma, Toki and Shiro all walked together out of the school gates and was then interrupted by a girl from the class "Hey Ichirou" she said "I'm glad you look happy today. I like it" she smiled at him and he smiled back and replied "Thank you Sofi" Sofi disappeared around the corner when Saruma remembered about something "Hey, I've just got to go to the library ok? You guys can walk on without me" Ichirou looked worried "Are you sure?" he asked nervously "You're not fully healed yet..." She looked at him and nodded "I'll be ok. You guys don't have to worry about me" Saruma turned and walked the opposite direction. After a while she reached the library and began going through the aisles of books and slowly walked while hunting for a book which she desired until she was interrupted by 3 guys who stood over her...

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