A special night...

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That night-

I heard a thunder strike and im scared for thunder so :"Kyaaa!!" I ran out of my bed trying to find Kyo and I searched threw a lot of rooms, but then I gave up and hided under a table. I was shaking and crying. Then he walked out of the bathroom and saw the table shaking and he heard it crying. "huh..." he looked under the table "Rumi are you ok?" I got away from the table and jumped in his arms when the next thunder strike came. "KYAAAA!!" I screamed. He asked me " are you scared of thunder?" ...'me...no" then another thunderstrike "KYAAAA!!". Then he hold me tight and said: "focus on my voice"..."ok I will...senpai is it oka if I sleep with you? Im so scared..." I asked. " O.O you..you..want to sleep with me in one bed? >///<" ... " yes please senpai ?" I said with a little bit red face. "Sure you can ...if that help.." he said with blushing face trying to be cool. So we walked together to the bedroom and I layed down "Senpai are you coming?" I asked. And there was another thunder strike "KYAA!!!". "im coming" he said and he ran to me  he tought * I cant believe I share a bed with a girl..* then I layed a little closer to him so I was laying against him and felt asleep. He started smiling "I guess it cant be helped" and he gave a kiss on my forehead. Then he also felt asleep. It was still thundering but I slept to deep to wake up.

-the next day-

I woke up and looked around * where is he...Oh gosh I slept with a boy >//<*. Then he suddenly walked into the room "did you sleep well?"he asked. "Yeah I slept great I love this bed" ..."did you only loved it cause I was with you ?" ... "SENPAI!!! Whats that kind of question?! >////<".. "I was just kidding..come on breakfast is ready ...we have to hurry else will be to late..." so I ate breakfast "WAIT!! What can iwear ?!" ...."one of my uniforms if you don't mind" ... "ok I will ..were are they?" ..."in my room. Don't be so shy now we did sleep together after all..." * he was right we did..*. " ok ill be right back" I change clothes* I m going to wear a boys uniform*.  When I got downstairs again. "im back...so up to school right?"...."yes..lets go"..."ehm...senpai...how?...by  car,bus or walking?"..."it's a nice day so lets take a nice walk. School isn't that far anyway" Then I grabbed his hand so we were walking hand in hand. And he said" are you okay with this..people might think were dating.."..."but were not and maybe some day we will right senpai?" he started blushing and thought "us dating...that would be a dream"  "senpai whats wrong?"  "don't worry about it its nothing" "okay senpai"

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