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Later in class...

The teacher ordered everyone in groups of four. Ichi, Toki and Shiro were in Saruma's team. The teacher then set a homework project and spoke "Alright class, that will be your homework project. You must now go to one of your houses in your group in order to complete the project" At this point a flurry of voices spoke, the classroom erupting into debate over who's house to go to.

Saruma then looked at her team "Alright, which house should we go too?" she was responded by multiple votes to got to her house. "Eeeeh, please not my house. I don't want to!". "Please, please, please Rumi-chan?" Toki begged. Saruma gave up fighting the begging from the group "Okay then, we shall go to my house!".

The class finished a few minutes and the group walked out of the classroom towards the next lesson. Ichi pulled Shiro and Toki back a little, whispering to them "Hey guys, don't talk about her parents, I'll explain it all to you". Saruma then turned around, look at the 3 of them, standing there "Hurry up then guys, we've got no time to lose!" She smiled happily.

Later at Saruma's house she opened the door, letting allowing the group into the house "We're here Gran!" Saruma said in a happy tone. Saruma's grandma turned towards them and smiled back, hugging her tight and seeing her friends walk on in. "Hello there dearies, please call me Gran and hello Ichirou, nice to have you back! You can all go upstairs to Saruma's room"

Saruma nodded "I'll show them the way Gran!" She was about to head towards her bedroom when her grandmother called her back "Help me for a minuter in the kitchen for a second Saruma" While she helped her grandmother, the rest of the group headed into her room, guided by Ichirou. Shiro looked around the room as they stepped inside. "Wow, this room is awesome, you have been here before haven't you Ichirou" he grinned at him and began to walk around her room, picking up a photo of Saruma and her parents "Huh, why does she live with her grandparents?"

At this point, Saruma was at the door, looking down at the floor feeling sad as she listened to Shiro. The group looked up and a surprise appeared on their faces "My parents died 10 years ago, my grandparents are the only people who can take care of me now". "Saru-chan!" Ichi shouted, making Saruma look up at him with a shocked expression on her face. Toki and Shiro looked at her "You alright?" They both asked simultaneously. "NO, I WISH THAT I WAS TH-" Ichi covered her mouth quickly. "Don't be stupid, don't say that again alright?" He hugged her tightly while Toki and Shiro looked on with disbelief. Saruma grabbed Ichirou's shirt and started crying "AHHH WHY?!".

Saruma calmed down after a while, wiping tears from her eyes as she sat on her bed "I'm sorry guys, I kinda lost control...." She looked up at them, "I'm embarrassed that you had to see that..." Toki spoke up first "It's alright Rumi, we're here for you" He said, smiling happily. Shiro followed up. "Yeah, we all are! Do you want to start the project?"

Saruma nodded, smiling now, "Yeah let's do it!" Around 6 o'clock, Saruma's Grandmother came into the room as they were doing the project "Hello dearies, would you like to eat in here?" The group nodded, grinning as they continued to work as the food was put down on the floor, a little table held the food and the group smiled, grabbing the plates and food. They smiled and shouted "ITADAKIMASS" All of them grinning at Saruma's Grandmother before she left the room. They then continued to work on the project.

Saruma's Grandpa came into the room, looking scared "Where have you been all night Saruma? I've been worried about you! I've been awake all night and so has your grandmother!"
"Saruma has been with us on cleaning duty, she was with us all night. Right Saruma?" Shiro looked at her. Saruma nodded "Yeah I was, sorry that I didn't tell you two" She looked down, feeling guilty that she didn't tell them. Shiro blushed softly "I need the bathroom, can you show me where it is Saruma?". She nodded "I'll show you where it is Shiro, follow me" She and Shiro go him, Saruma leading her to the bathroom and then kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks for saving me Shiro, I appreciate it" Shiro blushed and entered the bathroom. Unexpectedly, a boy was already in the bathroom waiting for Shiro to enter "Take care of her will you?" The boy said. Shiro was taken aback by the figure "Who the heck are you!?" The boy looked at him, leaning down a little due to the height difference "I'm Saruma's brother, Natsume, and if you don't take good care of her I will break you. Got it?" Shiro gulped, nodding as he felt sweat drip down his forehead.

After the encounter, Shiro went to the bathroom and returned with the boy. "Hey grandpa, grandma, I'm back. Hey Saruma-chan, did you miss me?" Saruma turned around, grinning at her elder brother and ran up to him, hugging him tight "Hey Natsu, glad you're back!". Natsume grinned and kissed her forehead "I'll be staying forever now, alright?". Saruma smiled and turned around "Hey guys, this is my big brother Natsume!". Shiro stood there, mumbling "Yeah....I know..."

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