My childhood friend....

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Later at noon... we went bungee jumping and you had such a special suit and all the   girls started to scream: Itsuki!! You're so hot! And he said "nah not really". He walked to me and whispered, "You look super cute."   I started blushing and shouted: "I'M NOT CUTE!!!" Besides that moment Itsuki hasn't said any word. Then it was my turn to jump I was really scared and walked towards the person who should had tied me. So he did I climbed on the stairs to jump. *3...2...1...JUMP!!!*I screamed really hard. Suddenly my cable snapped...!! Then I felt down and screamed: "HELP!! I'm going to die!" Suddenly Itsuki screamed: "Ru-CHAN!!!"   Everyone was shocked by that Itsuki called me that way and that he was jumping after me without that he had tied himself with a rope. Meanwhile I felt down I closed my eyes and suddenly I felt warmth around me... I opened my eyes and saw Itsuki and he said: "you're not going to die like you're parents I Will protect you REMEMBER!!!" he held tight around me and we felt together in the water... a half day later we woke somewhere floating and of course we were completely soaked.* he saved me and how does he know about my parents?* "I will tell you everything but not here". We came by a beach and then he started to tell: "Ten years ago I lived in the jungle and suddenly there was a plane crashing down and made a big bang. I went to look, but most of the people who were in it were already dead, but there were two parents and one child still alive but badly injured. They said please bring this child back here and they handed over a book. Where I saw an address and she said there's my daughter too and can you give her this? Say that we love her and we are always in her heart and she is never alone. That was it so I Will give you this": It was a pendant with a picture of our family. I started crying and hugged Itsuki and said: "THANK YOU I WILL TREASURE IT FOREVER!!"   After that we tried to find our way back to the bungalows..."yes! We found it!!" "SARUMA!!! ITSUKI!! You two are still alive!!! I'm glad!!! "And everyone hugged us but we were injured so it was hurting badly. So they took care of us but suddenly there appeared a limousine and a boy stepped out. And all the girls started to scream and ran away: "AAAAH IS Jiro OF SKIES!!" I asked who that was and suddenly there was dead silence and everyone looked at me. "YOU DON'T KNOW HIM?!?!?! HE IS THE MOST KNOWN TEEN IDOL!". "What's he doing here?" And suddenly homeroom teacher appeared and said: "He is joining our class from now on". All the girls screamed: "KYAA SERIOUSLY AWESOME!!" Then Ringo said: "Say something Jiro" He looked up and his lovely hair waved in the wind and said: "Yo I'm Jiro..." All the girls started melting and screaming again. I thought it's just random boy. Then he looked around then he saw me and looked really mad at me... He walked towards me and said: "could you come with me for a minute?" All the girls were shocked and looked pale. I walked away with Jiro... Then behind a tree he grabbed my collar and pushed me against the tree and said angrily: "WHY ARE YOU HERE??" "Because I'm in this class... Do I know you?" "YOU EVEN DONT REMEMBER ME!!"   "Wait a second you're  ... EEEEEH Jiro-Kun???? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!? ""I wanted to see you! I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me!!!". "Jiro it doesn't matter I had Natsume..." "IS NATSUME STILL ALIVE REALLY??" "Yeah he is only mom and dad died" I started crying again... Jiro grabbed my cheeks and said: "I'm here now. So please smile for me. I want to see you smile" and then   he hugged me. My team walked by and saw us hugging and were really shocked. Then Jiro whispered: * I Will present I don't like you   otherwise the paparazzi Will appear* so let's head back".   Back in the group... "CHEEZ I HATE YOU! You're such a BAKA (stupid)!!"   Then I shouted: "AND YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER STUPID SELFISH IDOL!!"   Zip it!! Shouted the teacher  "Jiro you're in the bungalow of Itsuki it's the only bungalow with a Bed left".   Later in the bungalow.... We were sitting mad next to   each other... "DO WE REALLY HAVE TO SLEEP TOGETHER IN THE TWO PERSON BED?!?" did Jiro and I say synchronic. "Yeah and I think you two can because we saw you hugging behind the tree accidently". "EEEH WE DI..." I stopped Jiro. "Just tell them    Jiro-kun you can trust them really...". "Ok we're childhood friends .. But if the paparazzi sees that were close they will think we're lovers and then I have a big problem!".   "But you don't have to HATE each other right!? I said: "Toki is right! Please Lets be friends like in our childhood and by the way I don't mind to sleep in this bed with you because you're my best friend after all right ?!"."Am I still that important to you Ruma?". "Yeah of course we promised remember? We will be best friends for ever no matter where the world we take!". "I don't mind either!!". "So let's go outside to your fans you really fulfilled your promise!". "Later.... Everybody!!"."I will sing my new song tonight!!!    That night ... "THIS SONG IS FOR MY BEST FRIEND!!!" He looked at me and gave me a wink. I smiled back. And he sang beautifully. And while he was singing I suddenly remembered it this song. "I wrote this song for him 11 years ago ..."I said low. "EEEEH !"  The boys looked shocked at Jiro.   Later when the concert was over... "And how was it? Jiro YOU STILL HAVE IT?!"   "Yeah of course I promised that when I Will get famous that I wanted to sing your songs!" I was so happy that I was getting tears and hugged him suddenly. "EEEH!!" Screamed the girls and I realized that I hugged him in public. "... I'm so sorry Jiro-kun..."  "It doesn't matter I'm not mad so please don't feel guilty... Ok?" "Yeah I promise". That night everyone went to bed.   In our bungalow:   "Oyasumi minna (sleep well everyone)" * then I realized that Jiro and I were laying in one bed together in our pajamas * I suddenly started blushing at that moment Jiro came closer and whispered: "you're blushing aren't you? Me too this is a bit embarrassing but I..." And then he pulled me close to him and kissed me. And suddenly there came a flash light but we didn't noticed it because our eyes were closed. And when he stopped he said: "I... still like you Ruma!"   Then I said: "but you can't with your job!" Then he said: "I know but I'm glad I can be with you all night."

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