Different kind of tears...

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The next day...   We went to the castle and the grave of my parents, the king and queen.. I stood before the grave and hit my hands to my face and fell on my knees and cried: "WHY WHY!!" and suddenly a man appeared with two men... "So you're the princess aren't you?" I looked up to him and suddenly Shiro said "no this is my girlfriend  Yuki and she can't believe that they died by an accident!! Right haru-Chan?!" I said: "indeed!!" And the man started laughing very loud:  "hahaha you're the princess after all and btw you're right they didn't die accidently I made the plane crash with my Thunder powers!! Haha haha! And I Will kill you too!!" Then Ichi shouted: "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Then he answered: "then I Will get the throne!! Haha haha!!" Then the boys stand before me and shouted: "WE WON'T LET YOU, WE WILL PROTECT Yuki!!" Then he said: "what's with that name her name is Saruma!" and suddenly there came lightning from his hand and he hit the boys and they all fell down. And when I stood face to face with him ... he said: "nice to meet you princess I am your uncle and I'm going to take over your throne!"  The boys wanted to stand up but they were too injured and I watched them being injured. I suddenly got mad and shouted: "HOW COULD YOU!!  HOW COULD YOU KILL MY PARENTS AND HURT MY BELOVED?! BECAUSE OF THAT I WILL TAKE REVENGE ON YOU!!!" And then he said: "how are you going to do that?" Then I shouted: "WATASHI NO KOKORO" (unlock my heart) and made an UNLOCK pose then I suddenly transformed into a warrior girl... He shouted: "NANI?! (What?!) What happened?!" And everyone were looking shocked and surprised at me.. "WARRIOR GIRL ATTACK!!" And then I attacked them and I had them tied and the boys stood up... I changed back to my normal form.. And suddenly I fainted, Toki shouted: "RUMI!! And he lifted me up and kissed me..." "EEEH" shouted the others... Then I woke up and said: "what happened?" "You defeated the Guy who killed your parents!!" I looked at him and walked to him and grabbed his collar... "YOU DIDN'T KILL THEM RIGHT I CAN READ YOUR MIND!! SO TELL ME WHERE ARE THEY!!" Then he looked at me and I ran away. "Oi Saruma?! Take this men away!" and the boys ran after me. Then in front of a cave I stopped and the boys said: "OI SARUMA WHAT GOING ON?!" Then I said: "My parents are still alive but locked in this cave!" "EEEH" then we ran into the cave and suddenly there was a wall of  ice so we couldn't go farther. Ichi said: "I will make it go away" and suddenly he said: "ICE BREAK!!" And the ice broke so Ichi was a waterbender?!   Later in the cave... there was a fire wall and toki shouted: "FIRE DISAPPEAR!" And the fire was gone so he was a firebender. Later there was an air wall and Jiro shouted: "BLOW AWAY" and the air wall was gone then I thought OMG everyone is a Bender?!  Jiro is an airbender! And later we saw a wall of stones and Shiro shouted: "ROCK BREAK!!" And all the rock shrimp and disappeared  slowly. And after running for a long time we saw a wall made of a mega royal seal... Ok this one is MINE shouted I and I tried so many  things but nothing worked and suddenly Itsuki stood before me and said: "now is our time to work together" he grabbed my hands and pointed first to the royal seal and he kissed me and suddenly shouted in harmony: "ROYAL SEAL UNLOCK!!!" And suddenly the wall disappeared and everyone looked at us but I ran farther and suddenly I saw my parents: "MOM DAD YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" They turned and saw me: "SARUMA!!"  And I ran into their arms and we hugged very long. "Saruma how did you find us?" "I will tell that later Let's tell the kingdom first you're  still alive!!"   And later...   There was a big party and everyone celebrated it. After I told everything to my parents they said: "thank you very much and you all should head back to the normal earth and graduate from school!" Then I said: "but mom!!" "No dear you're going to my parents and tell them that I'm alive!! And not about the kingdom and say that I Will visit them soon!" "Ok mum but promise me that you will call me!" "I promise and I love you!!" and she gave me a big hug.

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