A new beginning...

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four days later:

Today the professor will arrive and repair Ai. What if he cant....no no no don't think like that!! Ah that's the doorbell and as I opened the door the professor walked in. "where is Ai ?" he said. I pointed to the room he was laying in. So the professor walked into the room. He lifted Ai up and walked out of the house toward his car. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO TO AI !!!????!?!?!" I screamed. He said:"ill take him with me and repair him goodbye miss" and he drove away ...with Ai.. What now? I don't have money and in twelve years I wont have a house either. Im glad he paid forward. And after that the time flew away before I knew it it was 12 years later. So on a random day:

It was a normal morning as I opened my eyes I heard some strange noises downstairs. So I jumped up took on my  clothes and run downstairs. As I came downstairs I saw four men moving my stuff out. "EEEEH?! What are you guys planning to do with my stuff?!" one of them said: "you have to move out to the children house and were gonna sell all this"  " but that's everything I have left !!!" I run out of the house to the container to get the stuff back but as I ran out of the house a huge truck bump into me and I faint and lay on the ground. Docter: "we should make up a story why she doesn't have parents".

Three days later:

So later when I woke up after a week they told me my parents died in a accident on a cruise. I believed it because I lost all my memory. Which only could come back if I had something of my past, but that didn't excist. Luckily Ai already paid for me to go to school but I only had a paper it was paid not by who or what. So from that day on I went to school everyday even thought I didn't had an house. I lived on the street on my own. As I just transferred to this school I am a shy and unsure person. Everyone was invited to this party im really looking forward to it.

That night:

I was invited for a school beach party. I walk shy forward threw the party people facing the ground. I never have been in a party like this. Suddenly I bump into this boy. And I fall on top of him. "I'm sorry!!". " its alright I wasn't paying attention either" he said with a low voice. He holded his hand out to pull me up and said: "Are you alright?". " I'm fine, ehm... I'm Rumi..nice... wait your ... Senpai?! Kyo senpai!!!" I said while he pulled me up. He looked me in the eyes. * wow she is cute* he thought. "your from Southdown high school right?" I asked him. "your in second grade, im in first grade and Im a transfer student....im sorry senpai I talk to much" all blushing I holded my hand before my mouth. "Ah that's why I haven't seen you here before. Are you alone here?" he asked me. "Yeah, im alone here" I awnsered and I was still blushing a little. Suddenly he said:"How about partying together since were both alone. Is that okay with you?". I look up surprised *senpai want to be with me ^^* "ehm... yeah sure". Then he holded his hand out again.... I took his hand and he said "lets go for a walk". I nodded and walked with him over the beach.

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