Chapter 5

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Annabelle's POV

I woke up as I felt the heat of the sun blasting through the window on my back. I felt something warm on my neck. I tried to move but an arm was wrapped around my waist.

At first I thought it was Liam, so I intertwined my fingers with his, but the hand felt soft and small. I shot my eyes open and took in my surroundings. Of course, I'm in Zoe's room. Yes everyone, Zoella Austin is a cuddler.

I turned around slightly and saw her sleeping state. She looked so peaceful, so soft, but nah... she is the spawn of the devil himself.

I looked at my phone, it said 7:32 am. I tried to get up but I heard a low whine and she wrapped her arm tightly around me. Great! Now what?

I was wondering how to get out of her grasp, when suddenly I heard something drop. I turned my head towards the window but saw nothing. And all of a sudden her cat jumped on me. I let out a squeal, which of course led to me falling on the ground. How you ask... of course this woman pushed me. She loves her beauty sleep and will not wake up even if there's an earthquake.

Liza got inside the covers and started cuddling with Zoe. Like master, like pet.

I got up from the ground, took my phone, and went downstairs.

Her mom was in the kitchen, "Good morning, Mrs. Austin" I said as I entered the kitchen.

Zoella's mother was a professional woman. She didn't like noisy, hyperactive teenagers and she never allowed Zoella to hand out with such people. One of the reasons why Zoe's social life sucks. Well I was on her good side so she let me stay for sleepovers.

"Good morning, Annabelle", she said smiling at me "Zoella's still asleep?"

"Yes, I tried to wake her up but-" I shrugged.

"Okay, well I have to leave, there's breakfast in the oven, take care of yourselves, and if you both leave the house make sure you lock the doors." She said before shutting the door behind her.

I let out a sigh and got up to make myself some coffee. The thought of breaking up with Liam was still running through my head, giving me a head-ache.

Liam and I have been dating now for over a year now. It's hard for me to end all this. But I can't take this anymore. He's changed a lot, I never thought the Liam I fell for could do this. He's changed a lot.

I took my phone and dialed Liam's number. I need to see him, I need to talk to him, I need to end all this.

He didn't pick up the call, so I tried again. Maybe he's still asleep, hungover from the party last night.

I give up and continued sipping into my coffee. I called my mom and told her I'm at Zoe's and won't be home tonight. She didn't seem to care. She never cared for me anyways. All she cared about was herself and her boyfriend. I'm glad atleast she remembers me as her daughter.

I watched some TV till it was 9:00. I went upstairs. I'm sure she's still sleeping. Yup, sleeping like a starfish with Liza on top of her.

"Zoe, get up" I said shaking her. She didn't even move. This girl sleeps like dead.

"Its 9:00, Zoe, wake up" I yelled.

She mumbled something in her sleep.

"Fine! Forget about the sandwich your mom said was for you."

She jumped out of the bed, making Liza fall on the ground, and rushed toward the kitchen. I ran behind her and found her sitting on the kitchen counter, hungrily eating the sandwich.

Really, this girl!

" Zoella, what the hell, atleast brush your teeth."

She simply gave me the finger and continued eating. This girl is so dirty. Suddenly Liza came in and started licking Zoe's feet. She leaned down and patted her.

"Aww, my baby is hungry." She cooed. "Anna" she looked at me with puppy eyes.

Seriously now!

"What! I'm not going to feed your cat. She's the most annoying thing ever", I said looking away. And guess what! That little cat was now licking my feet, while Zoe continued with her puppy face.

As I said before, 'Like master, like pet'.

"Fine!" I huffed taking out her bowl from the rack and filling it with some cat food. Then I took out another one and poured some milk in it. I placed them both on the ground and took my phone. I tried calling Liam again, but still he didn't pick up. I let out a frustrated groan.

"What's wrong?" Zoella asked licking her fingers.

"Liam's not picking up my calls"

"So you're actually gonna break up?"

"Yeah" I shrugged.

"Maybe you should go over to his place" she suggested.

"Okay, take care of yourself. I'll call you if anything" I said walking toward the door.

"Sure, hope he's okay".






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