Chapter 17

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Cedric's POV

I just couldn't stop laughing when I saw Luke's pink hair, God! It was so great to see that weirdo whining like a small child, at least I felt good after what happened last night.

I never thought she would do that to me, I never thought she could do such a thing...... I gave her everything, I fought with my friends so that she doesn't feel bad.... but, I made a fool out of myself by falling for her. I closed my eyes and suddenly a letter mom wrote  just when dad left appeared in front of me.... each and every word hit me like a knife. I could literally feel Mom's pain when dad left her....

It is our story that haunts me, not wanting you back in my life. It is not you that I cannot get over. It is the pain and wounds that keep bleeding every time I think of you.Whenever I think about you, I don't see your face, but I see a dark shadow, I see pain..and you know what, I am not going to wait for you to regret losing me and neither am I going to regret losing you. Thanks for leaving me and helping me  realise my self worth.

"Hey,'re fine? "

I opened me eyes and saw Zoella and Annabelle looking at me in amazement .

"Yeah, I am fine Anna, you know I was just a little hung after last night. Probably I drank a few more glasses. "

"You ought to be kidding Cedric, I thought you never drink. What's wrong? "

"I just wanted to drink.. I am fine Annabelle...."

"No, you're not. You're gonna tell me what happened "

"Annabelle, I  really need to talk to you.... I'm feeling quite low....."  she came towards me and hugged me tightly.

"Well I guess ,I'll make more coffee" and Zoella went into the kitchen.

"Look, Cedric you need to tell me each and everything if you consider me as your good friend. "

"Annabelle, can I ask you a question? "

"Shoot "

"Did you love Liam? "

She shrugged a bit and started to fidget with her T shirt. I could see a tear trickle down her face

"Yes, I loved him from the core of my heart. He was my universe. He was my everything. "

"Anna, Liam won't ever betray you..... Believe me, I know you broke up with him, but everything's gonna be fine........"

"Stop defending your friend Cedric......"

"But.... I care for you both, that's why, I'm telling you the truth.... "

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