Chapter 24

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Annabelle's POV

"You look different", I stated as Zoella walked in.

"What do you mean?", She touched her face self-consciously.

"You look weird. What did you do last night?", I narrowed my eyes at her.


She was defensive about it. Hmm... Suspicious.

"Mom! When did you come home?" Zoe exclaimed, as she hugged her mom. That's something never happened with me. My mom and I don't hug each other. I am lucky if she even acknowledges me.

"Just about an hour ago. How are you? You look really good. And I am happy that the place is still clean. I am proud of you."

I fake coughed. They both turned towards me and Mrs. Austin gave out a chuckle,
"You to Annabelle. You too."

I bowed my head before grinning widely,
"Your mum made us breakfast. Isn't she the best."

"She is." Zoella responded sitting in front of me, eating her breakfast.

"Where's Luke?" I asked, as I still haven't seen the cotton candy boy today.

"Oh. He probably went in early." Zoe responded with a blush on her cheeks? What??

I ignored it and instead asked, "you checked his room? What if he's still in bed?"

This time her cheeks grew more red as she replied, "Um... Yeah, maybe he is. I will go check."

As she was about to get up her mum made her sit down again.
"I will go check, you have your breakfast."

Zoella nodded and continued eating in silence. Something was fishy. She's not ranting about anything.

After a few moments of silence I decided to speak up again.

"What are you not telling me?"

"Whatever you're not asking me."

"Okay then. Where's Luke?"

"You already asked that and I gave my part of the answer."
Now she's just plain avoiding it.

Before I could ask anything else her mum returned down.

"He's not in there but there's a lot of rubbish instead. Zoella tell him to clean his room tonight. It's like he never used that bed. There's no place for a human to sleep!"

"Okay mum. Now we gotta go." She said kissing her mum's cheek. "Bye!"

I ran out behind her to my car. Is it just me or everything is super suspicious today.

"What was that about?" I asked her as I drove us to school.

"What?" She asked, starting out of the window.

"You know what. You are hiding something." I pointed out.

"I am not. You're just watching a lot of Sherlock."

"Well Benedict Cumberbatch is-"

"No! No no no... Don't complete that sentence please. I don't wanna hear it." She shut her ears, shaking her head frantically.

"I was gonna say cute." I said, laughing.

"Cute was not the word in your mouth. I know you better than that, Anna." She said, shaking her head.

I pulled up the car in the parking and looked around. The parking was almost full, which means we were late.

"We are late." Zoe said, getting out already, "I am gonna run to my class. See you at lunch. Bye!" She was already sprinting towards the lockers.


The boring day continued until lunch, and I started shoving my books in my bag, already ready to pick my lunch.

As I was about to leave the classroom, "Annabelle?" Called our professor.

I turned around hiding my groan and putting on a fake smile.

"Yes Mr. Wood? You need me for anything?"

"Yes actually. Could you please take these papers and keep them in my office please." He said, pointing at a bunch.

Of course, I would love to do it as a full time job, Mr. Wood.

"Sure. No problem at all." I said instead.

I picked the bunch and walked out of the classroom as soon as possible.

Great! Now I have to climb stairs to go up to the teacher's department to keep this papers.

I dragged my feet up the stairs and walked the quite hallway to finally reach my destination.

Don't call me a drama queen. It is a lot when your stomach is basic yelling for food.

I kept the papers on the desk and as I was about to leave I heard a loud bang from where the teacher's lockers are.

At first I choose to ignore it at head down to the cafeteria, but then I heard something else. Something that sounded like a student. But students are not supposed to be here unless send by teacher's so I walked in to have a look.

"If it gets out, you and I both know we are gonna be in trouble." It was Luke.
Why was he whispering?
And who is he whispering to?


He turned around and now I know who he was whispering to. Daniel.

They both looked like deers caught in headlights.

Luke was the first one to recover. He put on his signature smirk and walked over to me, "Annabelle, how long have you been here?"

"Doesn't matter." I replied, "You know you shouldn't be here. What were you guys doing anyway?" I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Nothing, just having a friendly chat." He winked at Daniel, "So now I'll leave. I am gonna see you in the cafeteria."
That said he walked away.

I turned to Daniel, who was still in a little post traumatic state, "You wanna build a house in here?"

He shook his head, fixing his glasses.

"Then let's go."

He nodded quickly, walking out of the place. I followed him, shutting the door behind me.

The entire walk to the cafeteria was silent. I didn't ask him anything or he didn't bother to say anything.

We ordered our lunches and went to our usual table. A lot had changed now. There was no Liam anymore. The happy environment was turned to a sad movie one. Trent wasn't making jokes anymore. People were looking at us with sympathy in their eyes. That sucked.

I sat in my seat and noticed Zoella wasn't there.

"Where's Zoe?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Her dad's here talking to the principal. She's probably with him." Informed Trent.

"Why is her dad here? If she in trouble or something?" Luke chuckled, probably to lighten the situation.

"He is a cop. So they are investigating on Liam's case." Cedric replied, he looked really annoyed by Luke. Well more like Luke's existence.

"Oh." Was all Luke said before it all went silent once again.




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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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