Chapter 16

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Zoella's POV

The week past by rather quickly. It was Friday already. The party Luke and Anna were throwing was tomorrow.

"Zoe, you're seriously not coming with us?", asked Anna as she put on her shoes.

"You're lucky I'm allowing you guys to throw a party at my place." I said and continued reading the bed time story to Liza.

Yup. I read bed time stories to my cat. She loves 'em. She'll just sit there and listen quietly. I would appreciate a 'meow' once in a while, but I ain't complaining.

"Come on it's Aaron's party. It'll be fun." she encouraged.

I simply shooed her away and continued reading.

She huffed in annoyance, muttering something under her breath.

"Come on Anna, we are going to be late.", Luke was already outside the door.

"Yeah give me a minute.", she said before turning to me.

"Psst, Zoe." she whispered.

I turned my head to her and raised an eyebrow.

"It's ready", she said giving me a devilish grin.

My eyes widened and a similar grin made it's way on my face.
"No way".

"Yes way. Now all we have to do is wait for tomorrow."

"I'm scared" I said chuckling nervously.

"Don't be. I'm ready to take the blame.", she winked and left the door.

I shook the thought away and continued reading for Liza.


I was rudely woken up by my ring tone.

I fumble around my bed, in search of my phone. I pick it up without looking at the name.

"Hello." I say grumpily in my sleep.

"Hhey", someone stutters on the other line.

I turn around to look at the time, '3:52 A.M.' What the actual fuck?!

I look at the caller ID, 'Cedric'????

"Cedric?" I ask, now fully awake.

"Yeah, it's me." he sounds drunk.

"Are you drunk, Cedric?" I ask, sitting up on my bed.

He chuckles humourlessly, "Why the fuck do you even care? "

He's definitely drunk.

"Cedric, where are you?" I said getting up from my bed, and looking for my jacket.

"I loved you, Zara. I loved you. But you never did." he was crying now.

"Cedric, tell me where you are?" I said, putting on my shoes and picking up my car keys.

"You don't care."

"Cedric, just tell me where the hell are you?" I shouted.

"On the bridge, near Aaron's house." he said timidly.

I knew Aaron's house because Anna told me where it is.

"Okay" I said, pulling my car out and speeding towards the bridge.

"Don't okay me! You did this to me!"

"I know. I'm sorry. Okay?" I tried to keep the conversation going. He didn't need to know I was Zoe and not Zara.

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