Chapter 23

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Cedric's POV

I ran as fast as I could from Zoella's house in order to avoid any awkwardness. I slowed my steps when I realised that I had reached the main street.

It was pretty cold out there and the street light was flickering making weird shadows of the houses beneath.The sound of crickets was quite irritating to the ears so I started to increase my pace in order to avoid that screeching voice.

As I walked towards my house, that scene still played in my mind. Zoella and Luke making out and getting engrossed in each other, I couldn't do anything in order to ignore that thought. I didn't know why was my mind playing that scene on repeat mode. I wish I could have a remote by which I could control my thoughts.

Unknowingly, jealousy had conquered me and there was no way, I could overcome it. But why for fuck's sake , would I be jealous of that weirdo Luke. What had happened to me ? I couldn't make out anything .

Whenever I was confused or felt low, the lake near the meadows would help me..I would always find a way out by just looking at the still water.

All good memories of this lake were turning out to be bad for me. Firstly, I remember about the man who betrayed my mom and went away, without even giving a fuck about what would we do without him. Then, Zara comes to my mind, the moments with her here, but again , she's the face of betrayal itself. Now to add to this, my best friend gets murdered here...this place has a tradition of turning all the good moments into bad ones..but still it gives me peace.

I felt an eerie presence as I lit my cigarette and inhaled the burning tobacco. I could feel my throat getting sore as I lit my third cigarette.

Till last week, I didn't even know what a cigarette did, but now, I knew my companion in and out.

I layed on my back and stared at the stars and the night sky. It was so dark but still, the twinkling of the stars were like glimpses of hope in a loomy life.

I started thinking about all events of the past week. Zara betraying me, Liam getting murdered, Trent's sudden change of attitude, and then finally, Zoella and Luke.

Zoella, why did she fall for Luke, why?
I could literally feel the warmth of her hands despite the chilled atmosphere.
I could hear her telling

"Everything's gonna be fine."

I experienced the best feeling in the world when she held my hands at Liam's funeral. Nothing compared to the feelings I got while I was with Zara.

Her eyes gave me motivation, a reason to rejoice despite a loss, assurance of life being beautiful further.

I fell for Zara's beauty and charm ignoring her evil side and cruel intentions, but broken trust is hard to gain.

My kindness was not my weakness, she taking advantage of my kindness was her weakness.

There are girls like Zara, who use you to the fullest for selfish intentions, but then there are girls like Zoella , who support you in your life goals, who help you with your every obstacle and difficulty. They are always by your side during hard times. Despite of tbe fact that she doesn't know a thing about me, she treats me as an important part of her life, how was  I ignoring her ??? Zoella!!!! Again???

Why was Zoella haunting my thoughts, why had she become such a priority ?

Was I falling for her ???


Hey guys, sorry for the delay, but was a bit busy with some important stuff. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.




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