Chapter 9

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Zoella's POV

Sitting on top of the kitchen counter I was eating mac & cheese. College begins tomorrow and I was busy thinking about yesterday's events.

Liam was safe home, but none of us saw him or even talked to him. All of us were worried, especially Anna, even though he was home she was still a crying mess. She didn't even go home. All she did was cry and watch TV.

Luke also stayed for the night. He comforted Anna very well. Right now they were cuddled up on the couch watching some talk show, I wasn't interested in.

Mom entered the kitchen and shook her head looking at me.

"Where are your manners, Zoella? We have chairs for a reason."

I hopped down mumbling a 'sorry' and sat down on the chair when she spoke up again.

"Are you ready for college tomorrow?"

"Kind of", I said, shrugging.

"Isn't her mother worried? She's been here since Friday."

"She'll be completely oblivious to the fact that her daughter's not home since two days"

My mother just hummed in response, then said,

"Have you talked to Luke? I mean you know he's not in good terms with his uncle. So-"

"Yeah, he's said he'll be coming over every time his uncle is there"

"Okay, I'll talk to Maria about it", she said.

I got up front my seat before putting the bowl in the sink and going out.

Luke and Annabelle were still cuddled up on the couch, Anna was asleep and Luke was gently running his fingers through her hair. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back sitting beside him on the other side, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Tired?" he asked.

"Kinda. Are you excited for tomorrow?"

He grinned, "Totally. I wonder how many girls will go crazy for me on the very first day"

I scoffed, "Bullshit"

"C'mon, I'm sure there will be a lot." He said smirking.

"Not even flies will be attracted to your stupid red hair, Luke"

"Don't know about my hair, but girls surely wanna bite my lip ring. I know! Even you want to" he said, licking the piercing on his lip.

"Dream on, Romeo." I said, getting up.

"C'mon babe, you know you want to. You are just in denial."

I seriously want to slap that smirk off his face.

"You're staying tonight?" I asked, standing in front of him.

"If you want me to" he said, still smirking.

Omg! He's so annoying.

"The door is open, you can leave" I said pulling Anna away from him. She woke up, smiled at me and said, "Thank you, Zoella, for everything you've done for me. I'm really grateful to have you." She said hugging me.

"That was the least I can do for you, Anna." I said returning the hug.

"I should be heading home now, we have college tomorrow." She said, picking up her stuff.

"See you tomorrow, babe. I'll drop Anna on my way home." Luke said walking towards the door with Anna. I said goodbye, one last time before going into the kitchen.

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