Chapter 8

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Cedric's POV

"Where are we going Cedric ?" Annabelle asked as we walked towards Drew's place. "Is Liam there?" She kept on asking .

I just kept shaking my head and told her to follow me quietly. I looked at her and saw dark circles beneath her eyes. Her eyes seemed  small due to her crying. I felt sorry for her.

I looked at Luke and he was busy talking with Zoella , as they both walked, Zoella would giggle at his every sentence. I just hated him. His lip ring made my mind swirl in disgust.

It was surprising that Trent walked quietly. He did not utter a single word.

Drew's place was just a block away from my house so I told everyone to follow me.

As we walked , I saw a silhouette of a boy against the backdrop of the afternoon sunlight waving towards us , I realized it was Drew, it had been weeks since I last visited him. Although he was in my college, he rarely attended college and was an introvert like me as well.

"Hey Cedric , why are these people here , no problem , get them up as well. " Drew told me from the balcony.

I knocked the door and his mother opened it.

"Good afternoon Mrs Taggart , nice meeting you." I greeted her.

"Good afternoon Cedric , its nice to see you after so long. How is your mom?" She asked.

"Mom's good ." I smiled and replied.

"Mom, won't you let my friends in ? " Drew shouted from above.

"Oh , I'm sorry guys , come in." His mother said.

We all entered the house and I have to say , his house was no less than that of a millionaire's.

We went upstairs in Drew's room and we were all surprised on the first look. It was a majestic room with flutes hanging on the walls , there were drums on the corners and then there were headphones and earphones scattered all around. There were huge posters of pop and rock bands.  The Beatles, The Rolling stones , Metallica , Linkin Park ..... you name it.

Although Drew was into music , he never talked about his passion so much. But we were all surprised when we saw his room.

"Whoa , Drew , you're a musician in the making dude , Wow ! " I exclaimed.

"Yeah , I was just thinking on a new tune , but I couldn't concentrate, since yesterday's incident is still haunting me .By the way , any success on Liam..."

"Liam was with you , Drew, where is he now, please, I am desperate to meet him." Annabelle rushed towards Drew.

"Anna, Leave him , Liam's not here. " I told Annabelle obstructing her.

"What, then why the fuck did you bring me here , you are a liar Cedric , a big fat liar. I want my Liam back. " Annabelle burst into tears.

"Liam was here Anna, not here at Drew's house but at the smoking joint below his place "

Then Drew mentioned the whole incident to us and just when he mentioned "They fled away with him ", Annabelle kind of went in a state of shock.

Drew went towards his wardrobe and removed a broken phone. The front screen was damaged and had tads of glass pieces as if a collage was assembled in an irregular manner. Even the company logo on the backside now looked like a messy image. The only thing safe was his SIM card and his memory card. They would be quite helpful in retrieving information , at least , we got another clue , but we couldn't waste time ,  because Liam's life was at risk. With every passing second , his chances of returning also decreased.

"Thanks Drew , you were of good help. " I exchanged a handshake with him and that's when his mom came ,

"Well, you guys look tensed, is there any problem ?"

"No , Mrs Taggart , we were just talking and discussing College" Luke told Mrs Taggart.

I liked what he said , but I hated him.

"Whoa, are those sandwiches and juice for us , they're quite tempting.." Drew took the tray of snacks from Mrs Taggart's hands.

"Gently, son, these are for you'll only" Mrs Taggart smiled at us and went down.

"Poor Liam, he must be missing me , I need to see him. Cedric , Zoe , Trent , Luke , Drew stop looking at my face and get your feet moving . I know Liam's safe. " Anna said as she wiped her tears

Suddenly , my phone rang and I was shocked when I saw the Contact name. It was 'Liam Home' I wondered whether I should pick up or not . I felt a weird feeling in my chest. I don't know what happened but my thumb went towards the green icon and I swiped it against my will.

"Hello, Cedric....." It was Mr Charleston. He seemed to be angry.

"Hello, Hello Cedric , I need to talk to you ..."

"Hello, Yes Mr Charleston, what happened ?"

"Seriously, you don't know what happened?"

I could feel my heartbeat increasing as a sweat-drop trickled down my nose from forehead. I was scared. Fucking scared. Did Mr Charleston come to know that Liam's missing. Oh lord please be kind.

"Cedric, you said Liam's going to come after college begins , but Liam's here , now , he's with me. I thought you'll went for a party and you'll would behave as gentlemen, but you'll got involved in a brawl , Liam's got so many injuries to his head , but by god's grace, some of your  helpful friends brought him here. You do not need to worry about him , he's fine now , he's recovering, you have shown what a friend you are, who leaves a friend in the time of need. And who's this girl that Liam is blabbering about, some Annabelle , your friends told me about the incident yesterday night, how he got into a brawl because of this girl. See, I want my son to recover as soon as he can , so dare if you come to see him here and anyways , his phone is lost , so you can't contact him. I am warning you , you will make a big mistake if you come to meet him or try to talk to him . Yes, keep that girl away as well. Its all because of her. I don't want to see your bloody faces near my son ......

"But , Mr Charleston, its not her fault.."

"Okay, so you are Liam's father , it would be good if you and that girl stay away from your son . Liam doesn't want to meet you'll ..

"But....." before I could continue , his dad hung up the phone.

"Who was it Cedric , and whose fault were you talking about" Anna asked.

I looked at her innocent face. She looked exhausted.

"It was Liam's dad. Liam's back home , but we can't meet him." I said and everyone got up from their seats.

"Why, I want to see him desperately." Anna started pleading.

"Its good if you better don't know the reason. Anna"


Don't kill the Author🙏
Liam is safe... *whispers* for now. 💀

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