Chapter 19

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Zoella's POV

Anna went home tonight which I found weird. She stayed over at mine for the whole week, except the party night.

I tossed and turned in my bed trying to sleep. I was almost 2 in the morning. Tomorrow was a school day so I tried sleeping early.

I also had to think about my next prank before mum and dad return.

I shut my eyes and concentrated on my breathing, in the hope that sleep might overtake my thoughts.

It was when I heard the front door unlock.

I'm positive I shut it before coming upstairs.

I cautiously got up and opened my door. I peeked out and saw darkness. The lights in the halls were off. I heard some noises coming from downstairs.

I stepped out and called,
"Luke? Is that you?"

No answer.

"Luke?" I tried again.

Still no answer.

I slowly walked out towards his room and opened the door. He was sleeping like dead.

I sighed, shutting the door behind me and walked towards the staircase.

It all felt like a horror movie scene.

I tried keeping my breaths even and climbs down the stairs.

"Zoe?" It was my mum's voice.


"Mum?" I voiced my thoughts.

"Zoe, can you come over here and help me out with this." she said.

Relief flushed through my body as I walked down quicker.

It was all still dark and I couldn't see a thing.

"Mum, where are you? Why are the lights out?" I walked towards the switch board and tried to turn up the lights.

"Zoe, come here quick," her voice came from the kitchen.

"Where are you?" I said walking towards the kitchen.

"Zoe? You're still awake?" now it was my dad. He sounded like he's in the living room.

"Dad, you're here too?"

"Yeah, come here quick." he said.

Ugh! Either I'm dreaming or I'm going crazy.

I walk towards the living room when suddenly I hit something, or should I say someone.

I look up rubbing my forehead, and I see two familiar eyes staring at me. A sheepish smile on her face.


"Sorry, Zoe."

Before I could ask her what's happening or even process what she said my eyes shut. Before I realise anything my face is covered with strawberry cake.

I gasp and some cake gets into my mouth. Then I feel her arms on my shoulders and I am turned around. I wipe some cake and open my eyes.

There stands a smirking Luke.

He leans in and whispers in my ears,
"Luke - 1, Zoe - 2. But don't worry babe I'll beat it soon."

I groan and turn to look at Anna.

"You helped him?? I thought you were my friend." I accused her.

She raised her hands defensively,
"His plan sounded good."

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