Chapter 21

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Cedric's POV

I just didn't know how it happened, as soon as I saw Liam's body, I couldn't control myself, I sort of broke down that very moment, not because Liam was dead, but I couldn't do anything to save him.  I felt guilty inside. I was the reason Liam died,  I should've run behind him.

When the police and ambulance arrived, I was in a state of denial. When the policemen pulled his body out, I thought I was hallucinating and it was just a figment of my imagination. It couldn't be Liam. Looking at his pale face, all memories of him suddenly flashed in front of me. He looked like a stranger. A stranger who was similar.


"Cedric.... "

It took me a few minutes to recognize the voice calling my name. Trent tried to calm Annabelle down as she broke down into tears.

"Cedric, dude, what happened, why aren't you talking? "

Even as Trent tried to pull me, I backed away from him as I could feel numbness in my body.

"He is not dead,  Liam can't die so fast" I kept on insisting, but to no avail.

"Well,  Cedric , Liam's dead, look at him, he has gone completely pale...
The police think that he  probably has been smacked in the head by a sharp metal or something which explain those cuts... Its a murder Cedric."

It was so depressing to see the Charlestons grieving over the loss of their son. It couldn't be more worse for them. The sight of people crying and the feeling of sadness which lingered around the church, made it more harder for me to control my emotions. 

Why did Liam have to go so early, he had a beautiful life ahead of him to look forward to, although he broke up with Anna,  someday they were gonna get back together, he cared a lot about his parents, what would happen to them now?

I was thinking about all these things related to Liam when suddenly somebody bumped into me and I came back to my senses.

Zoella muttered a sorry as she motioned me to sit beside her as she sat. I sat near her and I don't know why, but she caught my hand and whispered...

"Cedric, look, I am really sorry about all that happened, I know how close you and Liam were,  I know how it feels to lose such a good friend, but hey, don't be so depressed. "

She pointed towards Annabelle and said,

"Look at her, she's broken completely, Now, even if you break down, whom am I gonna talk to, you both matter a lot to me, so please be strong ."

I felt relieved when Zoella caught my hand. Literally, that moment, I forgot that I had lost someone so important, Zoella made me feel so good. I was so thankful to her.

"Thanks, Zoe, I'm feeling much better now."

She smiled and I wasn't sure, but I think she blushed a bit.

"Zoella, I think you should go and console Annabelle.... "

I looked towards Annabelle and was surprised to see Daniel, the guy with the weird glasses and a beanie, consoling her. Anna rested her head on his shoulder as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"What's going on, what the fu... "

"Daniel's consoling her, I'll  be with you."

Really, with me, please stay Zoella, I need you.

"Cedric  you're okay? "

"Yeah "

"Look, the Charlestons want you to present your eulogy"

"Me? "

Zoella told me to get up and get going, but I caught my hair in reluctance and sighed.

"Come on Cedric, it will be short. Dude, you have to do it. "

Zoella again pressed my hand. I couldn't ignore that. Somehow, I gathered strength and got up and made my way to the podium. As I stood upon the podium, I looked upon everyone, although I wasn't that sensitive, after looking at everyone, and realizing that all eyes were on me, I felt that I was gonna have a sudden emotional outburst. I again got that feeling of numbness, I  could feel my stomach growling in pain, my insides shredding to pieces, I just couldn't gather the courage to even open my mouth, let alone speak something, that's when my eyes met Zoella's, I could see a glimpse of hope in her eyes, her eyes gave me courage,  she seemed to be telling me to muster courage and speak something. I somehow managed to catch the mike and opened my mouth.

"Liam was a............ "

Before I could continue, I felt my head going heavy and my surroundings swirling around me, I started to hear Liam's voice,

"Save me Cedric, Save me!!! "


I felt something furry rubbing itself against my arm, I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling....

"I am supposed to be giving my eulogy in the church "

I fixed my eyes towards my arm and saw a cat rubbing its body as it purred.

I started to feel cold when I realized I had no T-shirt on and was down to my boxers.

"Oh no, can't be, please lord, I didn't make  out with a cat. "

I screamed in horror as I got away from the bed and started searching for my T-shirt, that's when the door suddenly opened and Zoella appeared in front of me. For a moment, I thought she was checking me out that's when I went red with embarrassment and sat on the bed,covering myself with  the blanket, the cat now started licking my feet as it sat beside me.

"You're fine Cedric, we were so damn horrified when you passed out. "

"Passed out? I only remember that I was making a eulogy "

"Yeah, you suddenly muttered something, and then fell. The doctor said, you passed out because of too much heat in the church and then we got you here and the doctor recommended we remove your clothes so...."

She gave me a convincing look and went outside and returned with my clothes and Luke.

"Bro, what happened, you're okay? "

It was so surprising to see Luke asking that.

"Yeah, I'm quite good now. Did you tell my mom about this, I don't want her to know "

"Oh, we totally forgot bro, We'll tell now that........"

"No please, I don't want her to come here and be sad, please don't. "

"Chill, we won't, the doctor advised you take rest, so you do the same now and yeah don't worry about food, the kitchen is all yours. "

"You'll won't be here? "

"No, but you'll have Liza's company, look at her, she's liking you already "

What the actual fuck.

"Where are you guys going by the way? "

Zoella blushed  a bit and said,

"Cedric, Luke is taking me out on a dinner date, with all that happening, I guess, I need to spend some quality time with someone. But don't worry, we'll be back soon."




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