Chapter 18

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Zoella's POV

The music was blasting throughout the house. There were drunk teenagers dancing like there's no tomorrow. Red cups were lying around the house. The smell of alcohol was making me nauseous.

I pushed through the crowd of people near the staircase and made my way to my room. Everything was just making me dizzy. People were making out in the hallway. I rushed to my room and shut the door loudly behind me.

Liza peeked out from under the bed, and then seeing it's me she jumped into my arms. I patted her head and went to the balcony.

As I opened the window, I was hit by a cold breeze and the noises from downstairs. They weren't too loud but enough to give me a headache.

I sat there just enjoying the breeze and the night sky. A moment later I thought I heard the door open. I turned around to see Luke walking towards the balcony. He sat down beside me breathing heavily.

I noticed his pink hair was messed up and he was all sweaty. My eyes went down to his lips, and I furrowed my eyebrows,
"Where is your lip ring?"

"I took it off," he shrugged.


"It doesn't go with the pink hair." He said dramatically.

I shook my head.

"Well, Alice said pink looks good on me." he said with a smirk.

"We all know how bad her taste is... "

He shoved me as I started laughing.

"But seriously, Zoe. Why pink?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I was gonna go with blue, but Anna said pink would be better."

He groaned, "I honestly hate her". He thought for a moment then said, "Blue would've looked great."

"You would look like Hades" I said chuckling.

He joined in my laughter, shaking his head.

"It's getting late. Can you tell everyone the party is over." I said yawning.

He nodded his head and got up.

"Luke?" I called as he opened the door.


"Ask Anna if she's staying."

He nodded then shut the door behind him.

I got up from my place, and lied on my bed.

A couple minutes later the music died down. I closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.


I woke up when I felt the bed moving. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to fall back asleep. I felt an arm snake around my waist and I woke up quickly. I pulled my pillow out and started hitting the person.

"Ow! Ow! Stop, Zoe." he whined.

I looked up at him. Luke.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" I yelled.

"My room's messy" he said shooing me away.

"Hey!" I hit him once more and he sits up.

"What?" he asked, completely annoyed by now.

"Get out!" I pointed the door.

He huffed but got up and walked out of the door, muttering things under his breath.


I went downstairs making my way to the kitchen. I was dying of hunger. Anna wasn't here which means no breakfast.

As I entered the kitchen I saw Luke sitting on the table, munching into his sandwich.

"You made a sandwich?" I asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, there's one for you too." he pointed towards the one on the counter.

I went towards it and poked it with my finger.
It's prank week I can't take risks.

"What did you put in it?" I asked still examining the sandwich.

He shrugged, "Just a little bit of poison for taste". He said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and went to the coffee machine. I was making the coffee when Anna came in.

"Is that a sandwich??" she asked almost skipping towards it.

"Ugh! Why do you put mayo in it?" She said looking at it.
Nevertheless she bit into the sandwich, coughing it out instantly.

"Oh my God, Anna, are you okay?" I asked as I rushed towards her. I offered a glass of water but she declined rushing towards the sink and rinsing her mouth.

"Who the hell puts toothpaste into there sandwich." she yelled.

My eyes widened and I hugged her.
"You're the best, Anna."

"I know but according to my knowledge you don't feed toothpaste to the best people." she argued.

"It was Luke's stupid prank. And guess what, you saved me." I said kissing her cheek.

She made an 'oh' face before smiling brightly.

"Zoe - 2, Luke - 0"

"Hey! That's not fair. She got pranked so I should get a point." Luke crossed his arms.

"The war's between you and I, Luke. She doesn't count." I said childishly sticking my tongue out.

He got up and went out stomping his feet childishly.

I turned my head to look at Anna.

"Who cleaned this place?" I wondered.

"I did not. Luke did it probably."

Luke did? He never cleaned his room and he cleaned the whole house? It's kind of unbelievable.

"Do you have anything in your mind for your next prank?" she asked looking in her phone.

"Not really" I shrugged.


It was a fail. But don't worry guys Luke is gonna come up with something better. 😉




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