Chapter 6

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Zoella's POV

It was 12:00 pm now and Anna was still not back. I hope she's okay. I had brushed my teeth and taken a shower and I was lying on my couch watching TV.

Suddenly I started feeling hungry. Maybe I should order a pizza. I was about to dial the number when the doorbell rang. I got up from the couch and went to open the door.

There stood a guy, he looked my age but he was grinning like a kid. He was holding two pizza boxes and a bottle of coke.

I don't find a lot of guys attractive, so trust me when I say this, he was really good-looking. His dyed red hair was all messed up, but in a good way. His piercing grey eyes were looking straight into my brown ones. They had a shine in them as if he was really happy. His lips had a lip ring and were now curved into a smirk, a well-known smirk maybe. He looked somewhat familiar. But I couldn't put a finger on it. I didn't realize I was staring until he cleared his throat and said, "Like what you see, babe." Babe??

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "You guys started the telepathy services!" I snatched the pizzas from his hand and put them down on the counter. I extended my hand for the coke bottle and he gave me a weird look.

"Handshake? No babe, that's so basic" he engulfed me in a hug. He smelled like apples and hair gel and ice. Yup! Ice has a fragrance people!

"Mmmm" way to be creepy Zoella.

I pulled away and glanced at him. He was grinning like he got a puppy for Christmas.

"Zoe, are you not going to invite me in?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Um, do I know you?"

He gasped very dramatically, "You forgot your Luke?"

"Luke? Oh, are you his friend or something?" I asked.

"Are you just acting dumb, or are you really dumb? I am Luke, babe" he said entering the house. I fake laughed and pushed him out again, "Oh and I'm Beyoncé". He threw his hands up in annoyance, "I really am Luke, let me in, c'mon."

"What if you are a kidnapper?"

He rolled his eyes before yelling my mother's name, "Lauren! Your stubborn daughter won't let me in"

"Wait! Only Luke is allowed to call my mom by her first name." I said.

"Yeah! I'm Luke and where is she? My mom told her I was coming, didn't she tell you?"

I shook my head and pulled out my phone dialing my mom's number.

It rang twice before she picked up, "Honey, is it important?" she said slightly annoyed.

"Um, yeah mom, there's this guy on the door, he says he's Luke."

"Oh yes he will be, Maria called me and told he's coming."

"Okay mom, bye" I said before she hung up.

I stepped aside and let him in, still keeping the distance. He walked in with the coke bottle in his hand. He went in the living room, "hmm... it's been more than 10 years" he said looking around the house. "I missed this place, it has changed a lot since then, but it still feels like home." He sighed.

I sat on the couch and motioned him to sit down. He sat on the other end and looked into my eyes, "You still don't believe I'm Luke, right?"

I shrugged, "The Luke I knew was blond and didn't have a lip ring, sure he's as cocky as you but-"

"Really, Zoe! We were six. Obviously I didn't dye my hair at that age nor did I have a piercing."

"Okay, I don't know, maybe you are"

"Fine, whatever, where's the homeless chick, did she buy a house now?" he said grinning.

"Oh my god, Luke" I gasp "Do not call her that, she is gonna be so mad at you". And we started laughing. We talked about anything that came in our minds. I found out he's going to attend the same college now and he's staying here at his Aunt's place, which is like five minutes away from mine.

I told him about Annabelle and that she went over at Liam's. we sat there talking and munching pizza for about three hours. It was nice having my best friend back, and knowing that he's gonna be here all the time is quite amazing but also annoying at the same time as he's gonna be spending most of the time in my house.

"-and then you punched him in the face" he said laughing, "I bet you still do that, punch people for stealing your food." I punched his shoulder lightly before laughing with him. Then my phone went off, I answered it quickly seeing Anna's name on the screen.

"Hey Anna, where are you? Are you okay?"

"Zoe!" her voice was filled with panic, she was crying.

"Anna! What's wrong? Why are you crying? Where are you?"

"Liam's missing"



P. S. Luke is Luke Hemmings cuz he's 🔥🔥🔥

P. P. S. I miss his lip ring😥





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