Chapter 10

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Cedric's POV

Zara was looking stunning in that white top. It was her hottest look till date. We roamed around the college lawn hand in hand. She intertwined her fingers with mine and rested her head on my shoulders.

I didn't care about the piercing looks we got from the onlookers around us, all I cared about was Zara and she was my priority. I felt elated. I felt so good when she rested her head on my shoulder. I forgot about all my worries and only concentrated on Zara's beauty. I knew that this wasn't a mere infatuation or attraction, but it was love.

I was still lost in Zara when suddenly, someone hit me hard on my back. I came to my senses and it was my best friend cum worst enemy 'Trent', since he always interrupted me when I was happy .

"Cedric, lectures are gonna start, lets go ."

"But.." before I could complete my sentence he pulled me and dragged me towards the classroom building.

Zara followed us along with her usual minions.

We sat in the classroom.

I sat with Trent, and Zara sat with her usual 'mean girls ' crowd. Whereas I noticed Zoella and Annabella sitting together.

Although the teacher was writing some random stuff on the board, no one cared about what he wrote. I and Trent were busy on our phones checking our notifications and Zara was busy discussing her clothes with her girl gang.

Luke was sitting on the last bench and every girl threw looks at him. He just stared at each one of them . I really hated that guy.

I noticed Annabelle was asleep and only Zoella was busy jotting down her notes. Zoella looked simple that day, but still she caught my eye. I was just staring at her when she looked at me and I put my face down.

Suddenly, I heard the best line of my life, the words which I am always desparate to hear "Lecture's over guys. " when suddenly the professor said,

"Can anybody who was paying attention sum up what I said ?"

The whole class broke into silence and then the professor only unfortunately knew Annabelle's name . So he told Annabelle to stand up and Zoella quickly pushed Anna to wake her and poor Anna, she fell from her seat. The whole class erupted into a heavy laughter.

"Yes sir, what should I say " said Annabelle.

"Well, Good Morning Miss. Annabelle, hope you slept enough to explain what I just taught you." the professor said erasing the board.

Annabelle motioned Zoella to give her the book, but Zoella refused. Annabelle pulled the book and started reading.

She was reading some literature thing when suddenly she turned the page and she read,

"Maybe its the way she walked, straight into my heart and stole it, through the doors and.."

Everybody started laughing and Annabelle's face went red when she realized she was reading a 1D song lyrics. Zoella hid her face in her palms and no one stopped laughing.

The professor motioned everyone to settle down and told Annabelle was reading the right thing. He asked what book she was reading from, she said it was Zoella's. He told Anna to sit and asked Zoella to continue.

Poor Zoella, she was dumbstruck. She stood there quietly. So all this while I thought she was writing notes, but actually she was writing songs.

"Ok, so what's your name, umm...Yes Zoella Austin, meet me in my office. Next class on Tuesday guys."

We all chuckled as we sat in the canteen and were discussing today's events. Poor Zoella, I felt sorry for her. Zara was sitting beside me and Annabelle was just elbowing me in a playful manner , when Zara said

"Look Annabelle, he's mine . So it would be better if you keep your hands away from him. "

I told Zara to shut up and said Annabelle was just a friend and she was not into me and already had a boyfriend.

"As if I care, do whatever you want to do, but just for your kind information Miss. Zara, he's my friend. So I can do whatever I want, do you mind Cedric?"

"No " I replied red faced.

"Ok , Cedric , I can't tolerate your friends anymore . I'm leaving , bye" before I could stop her, she went away.

Luke and Trent started laughing and Annabelle told me it happens. Zara's just over-protective.

"Look, Cedric, you are one of my best friends, but believe me, you've made a wrong choice ".

That really hit me. "Nah " I said. "I know my choices, but thanks for caring " I replied to Annabelle. I know I was rude, but I couldn't bear something about Zara.

Suddenly, Zoella came with a dejected face and sat near Annabelle.

"What's wrong babe, wasn't the professor a 1D fan. " Luke asked and we all laughed.

"I'll have to stay till evening everyday and sit for extra lectures with that idiotic guy, all because of this bitch Anna" and she punched both Anna and Luke on their noses and we all started laughing.

I just glanced at everyone when suddenly these thoughts came to my mind.

"You never have lived if you haven't had any friends.The purpose of friendship is not to have some people in your life who complete you but instead it is to have someone you can share your incompleteness with.They say real friends are hard to find , and the best hardest because you already have them. That's the thing with best friends, when you insult them, they won't feel bad, instead they'll say someting more offensive."


Whoa! That's deep AF👆

Written by the author, who's talented.

Follow him on insta: @pardy411

I'm the co-author writing author's notes, cuz I've no job. 😝

Follow me on insta: @urvieieie





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