Chapter 6: Alone with him

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Skylar's POV•
It was the end of the day and I walk to Bella's school to pick her up. As we walk home I was thinking about what had happened at lunch. "Hey! Earth to Sky!" I hear Bella say snapping her fingers to get my attention.

"What?" I say. "I was saying..How was the first day of school?" She asks. I instantly remember what happened at lunch and turn bright red, I turn my head the other way so she doesn't see my face. "It was fine!" my voice sorta breaks. "Umm..okay?" Bella says confused at my behavior. I see Shawn sitting on his steps as we get closer to the house. I grab Bella's arm and start running to the house. "OW! NOT AGAIN!" She groans. We pass him quickly before he could say anything. I open the door as quickly as possible and lock it.

"WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Bella yells. "Ok listen BUT DONT TELL ANYONE OR YOUR-" I say until she cuts me off. " Okay, okay! I get it!" She says confirming that she would tell. "SO Shawn sorta, um...said he..liked me.." I say waiting for a loud scream. "AHHHHHH!! MY SHIPPPP!!!!!" She says in a high pitch voice.

"WAIT DO YOU LIKE HIM BACK??!!!!" She screams. "Quiet! I don't want mom and dad knowing!" I say in a loud whisper. "But maybe I do? I don't know but don't go spreading a word that I like him or shit like that" I say seriously.

"Fineee" she says in a whiny voice. We walk to the kitchen to get something to eat. As we enter, we see our parents. "Hey girls! how was school?" My mom smiles. "Amazing!" Bella says happily. "It was fine" I say as nothing has happened between Shawn and I.

"Good for you!" Mom says happily. The phone rings as my mom gets. She comes back "girls guess what?" My mother says. We look at her with no answer. "Well, your father and I got invited to go with the the Mendes for the weekend for like, a mini vacation, so you guys are gonna spend this week with Shawn!" My mom says as if this was something to be happy about.

"What? what about Aaliyah?" I ask in confusion. "She's gonna stay with her friend for the weekend" she explains "so it's just me, Shawn and Bella?" " Oh no! Bella's gonna go to a sleepover her friends, they invited her to, so it's just you and Shawn" "WHAT!? I HAVE TO STAY WITH HIM! ALONE!!?!" I sorta yell.

"Don't worry sweetheart it's just three days" she says in a calm voice. I groan, grab a water bottle and go upstairs to my room. I close the door lean against and slide down to it and sit against the door. "This is gonna be a long three days" I sigh to myself.
I hope you guys enjoy and have an amazing day loves! Xxx💙
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